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FrozenGate by Avery

Buyin' goggles


May 1, 2007
hi all,
since i have been playing around with the guts of a DX 20 and 30, i thought it was time to get some googles, i don't really want to ruin my eyes at my age :D Would wickeds googles protect me from IR and green?

I'm not sure if they will protect you from IR, but they will give you enough time to move your eyes if you do in fact get a reflection. It will be enough time to react so you probably won't be at risk. I believe I am correct but don't take my word for it, I am still debating on which goggles to get =)
I was recently told by a customer that he inquired with Wicked and their goggles do not block IR.

... Ours do!
Justin said:
I was recently told by a customer that he inquired with Wicked and their goggles do not block IR.

... Ours do!

Woah, never knew that there was a staff member from a laser company on these forums.
stupid question, but what company are you justin? i'm looking for googles that will protect me from green AND IR at the same time, the DX modules spew out IR like mad. i don't want to spend a hell of alot but something like $80 AUS
I could not find them either except for when ordering a herc (no I didn't actually order a herc..I wish), ordering the goggles was one of the add on options in the check out area.

Might want to send them an email or call them, but make sure you get the whole range of protection and specs if you do. On their website, they only give the specs for the green wave length.
Most regular green filtering goggles will not filter IR. WL, NL, etc goggles let enough IR through to burn things on the other side (I once etched on a piece of black plastic with a 400mW 808nm pen through the goggles).

Laserglow goggles are $250, and you can expect to pay that type of price for any goggles that block green and IR unfortunately.

Honestly though, while I don't want to promote unsafe laser use, for a 20-30mW NewWish laser there would be little need for IR goggles unless you plan to look straight into the laser. Otherwise the IR's divergence, low power, and lower absorbance by the retina will render it nearly harmless.
things said:
stupid question, but what company are you justin? i'm looking for googles that will protect me from green AND IR at the same time, the DX modules spew out IR like mad. i don't want to spend a hell of alot but something like $80 AUS
Maybe a IR-cut photographic filter on the laser will do, instead of blocking ir with your goggles. You can get one from an old webcam you don't want or are not using anymore; the ir-cut filter is right in front of the sensor, then use the webcam to "see" IR (that's why they have the filter, they are even more sensitive to IR than they are to red!) and check that the IR from the laser is being effectively blocked. If it's not enough you can stack several such filters. In any case, check that it's blocking enough IR!
