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FrozenGate by Avery

Burning with high powered green laser

Mar 16, 2012
Hey, I'm sorry for posting a new thread. I used the search button and couldn't find an answer to my question. Anyways, I have a focusable 50mw green laser without an infrared filter and wondering if it's safe to burn items with it. I do have 532nm goggle protection but will the infrared be a problem when burning? Also, does an IR from a green laser cause instant cataracts as it says on this chart:

Wavelength range Pathological effect
780–1400 nm (near-IR): cataract, retinal burn
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A 50mW laser will have a hard time burning anything. It might light matches and pop dark balloons, but that's about it. Plus, if the laser isn't from a reputable company, it's very likely that it's way underspec.

To answer your question, yes, it will be dangerous to your eye because of the IR. As you said, since there isn't an IR filter present, it could emit 5-10mW of IR depending on the quality of the laser. Your goggles won't block this so it will be harmful to your eye if it does get reflected and reaches your eyes.

For burning I suggest a 1-2W 445nm laser powered by a M140 diode.

