Thanks for the offer but I am already getting a new one however I am pretty determend to fix this one because lately it has been flickering on and off if I hold the button for long enough But I cant understand why it doesn't switch on all the time and why its so dim when it randomly turns on
BTW is there a green 2000mw visible light laser pointer avalable because so far I havent heard of any (I know there are 2000mw infrared laser pointers and 3000mw ultraviolet out there)
I would also like to know what happened to my laser besides I was re-directed to this website after going on another websites procedure of what to do in the event of a green laser that stopped working
I see what you mean by not being safe but I wasnt asking if you were offering one I was asking if there was such a thing for sale that was portable
anyway I unluckily had purchest the laser from DD(DinoDirect) wich for some stupid reason stopped selling laser pointers that gave an output greater than 5mw and I dont know if they provid warranty for that long
just find someone who can help me repair this thing because I know this laser has got the potential to work because I have seen it sometimes switch on and give around 7 to 10 mw output but wont switch on again for days somtimes weeks
thanks daguin (although like you thought, I am a Serious necro) I will start a new thread explaining everything and I will link it from this thread later on