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Brand New, Noob. Part II - lets escalate.


Apr 7, 2022
So right away I have to thank Redcowboy because he took the time to help me visualize "safety" - if that makes sense. He was able to verbalize context. I'm 100% confident now with this Amazon blue laser. It will light a match on fire from 5 ft away pretty fast.

<side note - that still terrifies me anybody can order this> Shrugs.

Now I have a place out back (I'll try to post a picture of it) that I have designated my "laser area". It is essentially a spot / or crevice at the root of a massive Red Oak Tree. It's the perfect spot / ground level / roots coming out of the ground up to the base of the tree and the "crevices" seem to me to be perfect as a back stop. Now my idea is to up the ante a bit and run a trail of KEROSENE , not gasoline <lol, no, not again> , run a trail of Kerosene to that crevice , turn the laser on to hit "something" inside that crevice to spark a fire......... and when the fire is lit, the laser goes off and back inside.

The "something" ----- I'm considering making some of that Potassium Chlorate / Chloride ? (I have the video saved and it says the right one) - But anyway Styro Pyro mixed up a batch in a Vanilla Icing Recipe book he found from 1933. It was "goop" more or less but boy oh boy did that stuff burn like nobodies business......... I was wondering about adding black food coloring to the goop? Black / Laser / Poof.....

Am I ridiculously overthinking this? You betcha. I love thinking deep like this. The obvious answer is "use a match dummy" ---- I know...... but I almost have to be too precise with that. When I am "precise" - it's instant..... that match lights.

What about something less dangerous? Cotton balls dipped in black food coloring. Let dry. Dip in 91% Alcohol?

Steel wool? ---- Anything more reactive than a standard match is what I'm after. I'm not convinced the Potassium Chlorate route is the smartest way to go but man was it cool...... *THAT* will start a fire in a downpour. LEGIT QUESTION > If I was to make a batch of that stuff (carefully of course) and added black food coloring / would it make a difference? And more importantly, would I be able to "freeze" some hamburger sized patties of that stuff and use it later / straight from the freezer? I wonder about these things. I really do.

Don't even get me started on the green fire......... / already done in my mind. Not in real life yet. But yeah, that's happening. Soon. Lol. So...... thoughts?Trunk.jpeg

Sep 13, 2008
B, the man is watching you. He Trolls these halls quite often.


LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
So right away I have to thank Redcowboy because he took the time to help me visualize "safety" - if that makes sense. He was able to verbalize context. I'm 100% confident now with this Amazon blue laser. It will light a match on fire from 5 ft away pretty fast.

<side note - that still terrifies me anybody can order this> Shrugs.

Now I have a place out back (I'll try to post a picture of it) that I have designated my "laser area". It is essentially a spot / or crevice at the root of a massive Red Oak Tree. It's the perfect spot / ground level / roots coming out of the ground up to the base of the tree and the "crevices" seem to me to be perfect as a back stop. Now my idea is to up the ante a bit and run a trail of KEROSENE , not gasoline <lol, no, not again> , run a trail of Kerosene to that crevice , turn the laser on to hit "something" inside that crevice to spark a fire......... and when the fire is lit, the laser goes off and back inside.

The "something" ----- I'm considering making some of that Potassium Chlorate / Chloride ? (I have the video saved and it says the right one) - But anyway Styro Pyro mixed up a batch in a Vanilla Icing Recipe book he found from 1933. It was "goop" more or less but boy oh boy did that stuff burn like nobodies business......... I was wondering about adding black food coloring to the goop? Black / Laser / Poof.....

Am I ridiculously overthinking this? You betcha. I love thinking deep like this. The obvious answer is "use a match dummy" ---- I know...... but I almost have to be too precise with that. When I am "precise" - it's instant..... that match lights.

What about something less dangerous? Cotton balls dipped in black food coloring. Let dry. Dip in 91% Alcohol?

Steel wool? ---- Anything more reactive than a standard match is what I'm after. I'm not convinced the Potassium Chlorate route is the smartest way to go but man was it cool...... *THAT* will start a fire in a downpour. LEGIT QUESTION > If I was to make a batch of that stuff (carefully of course) and added black food coloring / would it make a difference? And more importantly, would I be able to "freeze" some hamburger sized patties of that stuff and use it later / straight from the freezer? I wonder about these things. I really do.

Don't even get me started on the green fire......... / already done in my mind. Not in real life yet. But yeah, that's happening. Soon. Lol. So...... thoughts?View attachment 74452

Is that creek on your property ? How many acres do you have there....roughly ?

Anything with chloride makes me think about toxic fumes and I expect 91% alcohol would wash the coloring off your cotton balls, something I enjoy is igniting fireworks, if there legal in your State then any of the magnesium based novelties could make excellent incendiaries.......for safe and legal use of course.

Speaking of which I recently bought a 2x26650 flashlight with a twist to focus head that holds about a 50mm lens, would be a great unit to repurpose with one of the FAC enhanced 5w diodes and a different lens to make a fat beam zoom to focus fireworks lighter.


B, the man is watching you. He Trolls these halls quite often.

Everything we say or do online or on a phone is on record in our forever files, scrutinized by AI and a click away for agent Smith to pour over at will without a warrant thanks in no small part to the Patriot act and the willingness of private companies to share all our info. The Orwellian nightmare is now.
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Apr 7, 2022
Is that creek on your property ? How many acres do you have there....roughly ?

Anything with chloride makes me think about toxic fumes and I expect 91% alcohol would wash the coloring off your cotton balls, something I enjoy is igniting fireworks, if there legal in your State then any of the magnesium based novelties could make excellent incendiaries.......for safe and legal use of course.

Speaking of which I recently bought a 2x26650 flashlight with a twist to focus head that holds about a 50mm lens, would be a great unit to repurpose with one of the FAC enhanced 5w diodes and a different lens to make a fat beam zoom to focus fireworks lighter.


Everything we say or do online or on a phone is on record in our forever files, scrutinized by AI and a click away for agent Smith to pour over at will without a warrant thanks in no small part to the Patriot act and the willingness of private companies to share all our info. The Orwellian nightmare is now.

No, the creek is not our property however - just to the right of that creek is an old fashioned small white Baptist church and "the hill" technically is owned by the church. However after speaking with the Deacon of the church he said they know it is their property but they don't consider it part of theirs and that I could do whatever I wanted to do on that hill. They also gave me permission to come on church property day or night anytime I wanted to access the creek or play or whatever.......

And if you look close enough, you can see one of the steps that they lead people down and Baptize people in that first / upper waterfall area. On sunny days like today, that pool is ..... I swear it's emerald green. We were encouraged to come and swim and play and enjoy anytime. :) (Which was cool cause that could have gone either way --- Baptism hole? Sacred, all that) -- Apparently they believe as I do. Things can be sacred and multifunctional fun too. (I am sooooo panning for gold in that stream, arrowheads too)

The property to the left of the creek is about 12 acres of woods and the guy who owns it is a retired nuclear engineer from Chicago and doesn't care what I do in the woods. I tell my friends. "And that's how you turn 0.50 acre lot into about 20 acres" If you like to fish, there are two massive lakes and the dam that blocks the two lakes , 6 minutes away. I've timed it. :) If that doesn't do it for somebody or the mountain views then the airport is also 6 minutes away. Bye. Lol. It's pretty much heaven man.

Anyway, back on topic. Magnesium based = best way to go for fastest "spark." Bottom line. ??

"Ground level" firework / fountains ---- are technically not legal here in NC but SC sells all the fireworks you want. Everyone in NC still does the fireworks ....... it's the bottle rockets etc that they really crack down on. Ground fountains? They don't care. It's frowned upon but everyone does it anyway. Generally if the police do come they just say to stop politely and then leave. I don't think I've ever even seen a cop car out here. Ever.
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Apr 7, 2022
Keep me posted on your project RCB. You know I want one. It is what it is...........

Ears and Eggs

Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Oct 1, 2007
That's a really nice looking area, wish I had some more wooded land like that around my place. Live in a city though unfortunately.


LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
Plenty of videos online dealing with how to make everything from black match to thermite to .......you name it, just use caution and don't break any laws, otherwise have fun.
Sep 13, 2008
be safe, watch your words, almost any thing goes in this country if we know yhe fine line. But, like on an airplane, there are things we never utter even if it is only verbal expression. ;)
