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FrozenGate by Avery

Boost converter for powering on a reverse camera

Jan 14, 2021
Hey guys, I m Trying to find a boost converter to power a reverse camera for a vehicle. The OEM was burnt. The Vout of the OEM system is around 7.8v and I bought a few sensors to test from Alie but all of them are 12v. Any reliable solution?

What current does the Camera Require ?
BTW If you require less than 12VDC then you will need a Buck Converter.

I m not sure what 's the current needed but I hope around 1A max. The only thing I know is that I m getting around 7.8V from the vehicle. I don't know if the camera can do the job in a range of voltages or fixed at 12v. So any suggestions appreciated!
I m not sure what 's the current needed but I hope around 1A max. The only thing I know is that I m getting around 7.8V from the vehicle. I don't know if the camera can do the job in a range of voltages or fixed at 12v. So any suggestions appreciated!
If your Vehicle is only giving you 7.8VDC you have a problem with your Vehicle's
Battery. It should be at least 12.8VDC fully Charged.

Where are you Testing/Getting the 7.8VDC ??
What is the Vehicle's Voltage at the Battery Terminals ??

Do you have a link to the Camera ?

7.8V is the voltage coming from the OEM display of the vehicle. Not the Vehicle 's voltage. The vehicle itself is a 24v excavator!


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  • received_1376821763311488.jpeg
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Got it....
-The Original Camera worked on 7.8VDC
-The Original Camera is DEAD
-You want to use an Off the Shelf 12VDC Camera to replace it.

Try a Step Up Boost Converter like this:

Choose the XL6009 Model with the 2 Inductors on it
completely to the Right of all choices.

Since it is a switching PS you may need to add more
despiking caps to the output if the Camera image is
not clear.

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