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FrozenGate by Avery

Blue thor Hseries 3W on/off problem keeps getting worse


New member
Oct 22, 2019
I got the Laser delivered new from LPS after i ordered 2 of the h-series 1.6w lasers. But one of them had a damaged screw on cap that is the natural one without starry glass. So in good faith i got a alternative deal made sending the whole broken laser set back and paying a bit less for the same new pointer in the 3w version. That was delivered good and functioning fine except for the fact that the batterus that come included inside it were seemingly stuck in there. Tried all kinds of things to get them out while i later found oit what it really was. The moment it was turned opened upside down the battery's come out but only the 1st fell out instantly, the seccond bottom one needed 10 to 30secconds upside down to finally fall out aswell lolz... but after i knew that was the case i just accepted that and lived with it. BUT NOW THE REAL PROBLEM. I lost one of the 2 blue 3.7 standard truefire(or whatever) 16340 batts. And ordered 1 new batt from another brand and tiny bit less Volt of 3.6 total.. i was told 3.7 or less should be no problem only the lasers output aka performance w0uld be then having the lower of the 2 as Voltage / output - performance. That all seemed to be working fine. But slowly started to do nothing when turning it on that became from just glitching once a while to many uses later practically not doing much anymore at all. Only works when after i turn it on also keep screwing the batt lid open closed both directionz for a while to see it go on off etc etc .
Any idea what the exact problem is im having here,?,

You may not get much help due to double threads -- no need to start another thread --there IS need for a friendly intro placed in our 'Welcome' section PLZ

read so of the posts there by others. I waited a few years before I made my intro.
By including a general location you may get welcomes from local members-- & get invited to the next Lase Party..

welcome!! Len in Texas
Sorry m8
You may not get much help due to double threads -- no need to start another thread --there IS need for a friendly intro placed in our 'Welcome' section PLZ

read so of the posts there by others. I waited a few years before I made my intro.
By including a general location you may get welcomes from local members-- & get invited to the next Lase Party..

welcome!! Len in Texas

Sorry m8! I had accidentally clicked the page back so i thought it didnt succesfully posted the thread :( I also skipt the intro mainly because my txt already was pretty substancial in volume hehe. Btw also put some kind helpfull reply in a post aswell what should have shown my 2 way street presence here but after i was done it told me it wasnt able anymore to reply on so i copied it into a memo that i will post seperately today in a thread as im needing to finish it according the new standalone version hehe :) Im Marco from the Netherlands btw! I live right in between the 2 most known city's of the country! Those are Amsterdam our capital city and the city of Rotterdam that is known for being the largest port of Europe and amongst globally the most important ports :)
HELLO Marco.... wish I could come visit --heard the coffee houses are worth the trip..

Have you ever been to the big laser event by 'laserfreaks'? my friend went to one IIRC in Berlin..... had a great time..

cheers--Len in TEXAS--:-)
Did you charge the batteries to full power with a proper charger for 16340 batteries?
HELLO Marco.... wish I could come visit --heard the coffee houses are worth the trip..

Have you ever been to the big laser event by 'laserfreaks'? my friend went to one IIRC in Berlin..... had a great time..

cheers--Len in TEXAS--:)

Hehe yeah we grow awesome coffee beans here that are so good its illegal in most places lol.. And havent been to that laserfreaks event but i had in my town a so called "lasershow" like 13+ years ago or something. We celebrated a famous tree that was planted for is our Queen 100 years ago or whatever b.shitty reason we needed for that laser show. I remember it was laser shapes and figures projected on a massive white surface of some material that was hold up in the air by a large crane fully extended. Thats the only serious laser awesomeness ive been Part of so far :)
Hehe yeah we grow awesome coffee beans here that are so good its illegal in most places lol.. And havent been to that laserfreaks event but i had in my town a so called "lasershow" like 13+ years ago or something. We celebrated a famous tree that was planted for is our Queen 100 years ago or whatever b.shitty reason we needed for that laser show. I remember it was laser shapes and figures projected on a massive white surface of some material that was hold up in the air by a large crane fully extended. Thats the only serious laser awesomeness ive been Part of so far :)

Dont know why ur not able to but ofc ur very welcome m8 haha ;)
Posting a response to your own post???

Do not double or triple post--very frowned upon om LPF.
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