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FrozenGate by Avery

Blue Light Hazard Questions

If I may be permitted a pun: that was all in your head.

I went to the doc a couple of days into it because I've never had a migraine that strong.

He said most likely the iris close extremely quickly to deal with the intense blast of light, and this probably pulled the muscles in the area and caused the headaches.

3 years later of getting a check up every 6 months, still have 20/20 vision thank God.

Good to see that people here actually care about the dangers of blue lasers. If he had posted this in the "Laser Community" the replies would've been something like this: "Are you stupid its impossible to get eye damage from looking at a dot", "What is a after image?" etc etc.

Back to the topic, I think you should be fine I too have looked at my 1W lasers dot a couple of times even while pointing it at a white, matte wall but the only thing I got was some yellow afterimages that lasted maybe 1 minute. I KNOW WHAT I DID WAS STUPID and I know the dangers of high powered lasers especially HIV light lasers.
