I am having trouble finding any links to a data sheet for the Phazor or Blu ray diodes. Can anyone send me in the right direction? I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks
Hmm, I don't recall ever seeing a datasheet for the bluray nor the phazor diodes.
Why do you need the datasheets though? I think there's enough info on the bluray diodes already, and you can find more about the phazor diodes by looking at these three threads. 123
Thanks! Those links help. I guess I am just looking for the optimum operating voltage and current for each of them. And I thought if their were some data sheets around that would be a good resource. With the massive amount of great information everywhere, sometimes its tricky to find the most simple of things. If anyone can give me a quick driving current and voltage for these two diodes i'd appreciate the convenience! thanks for your help