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FrozenGate by Avery

best glasses for 250mw red

Dec 29, 2012

Newbie here. I bought some (supposedly) 250mW red lasers (650nm) from this guy in ebay:

Lot 3 250mW 650nm Red High Power Burning Laser Diode | eBay

I'm planning on playing with the lasers to make an engraver (I have some experience there). Btw, has anyone here bought from that source?

I'm very, very concerned about safety, so I've been researching a lot before even powering the diodes what kind of goggles would be the best fit for this laser. This forum btw has been a great source of information :)

So far, I have three candidates:

* OEM lasers
* Eagle Pair
* LaserGlow

The eagle pair seem to be not exactly for the right wavelength... so I might discard that pair.

Anyone here has experience with any of those providers and the required wavelength?

Thanks for any advice!

From OEM, I would go with an RB2 pair. Unfortunately, OEM doesn't have its shit together for their site, and you can't see it on there. Maybe you can call them up and ask them to help you. Those RB2 pairs will give you good protection for the major wavelengths of red, including 638nm, which you'll probably want some day since it's more powerful than those 650nm lasers. I think the RB2 cost less than than the DI5 too.

The first Eagle pair you linked to (not the one Brendon7358 linked to) doesn't seem to cover 638nm. The pair Brendon7358 linked to will cover 638nm, but that blue filter can be hard to see through. Remember that what you can see (the other wavelengths) is just as important as what you're protected from.

The Laserglow goggles (AGS6602XX) only provide OD 1.5+ for 630nm, with 39% VLT (the amount of light that does shine through), so that has relatively poor protection. The other pair they sell (AGS6605XX), has adequate protection, but terrible VLT at 9.2%.

So if it were up to me, I'd ask OEM about their RB2 goggles and if they can hook you up. Otherwise, you should probably go with the goggles Brendon linked to.
Yeah, they've facilitated a lot of GBs for us in the past. Hell, that's how I got all my goggles.
Thanks for the info! I'll try to find something that will cover 638nm as well :)

Right now I'm sided to either the Eagle or the RB2 pair linked here. I already contacted OEM to see if they have that model.

Thanks for the suggestions!
You'll only really need that pair and a pair of ARG goggles (or their Eagle equivalent) and you'll be protected from essentially all the visible wavelengths.
