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FrozenGate by Avery

Beam termination/laser catch:


New member
Aug 11, 2020
Hi everyone,
I've seen that there are a few ways to terminate the laser beam. FOr example, shining onto a heat resistant/light absorbing material.

I was wondering, is there such a device that has an aperture for the beam to pass through, with mirrors to reflect the beam into the closed container, around a few corners and onto a heat resistant/light absorbing material?

I am considering making one. Here is a rather crude concept:

So, the laser passes in through the aperture (lower right of image), into the device, striking the first mirror, then the second before terminating on the back wall of the enclosure. Obviously there would be a lid



The idea is that the walls of the enclosure would act to prevent reflection escaping back out.
I have absolutely no idea if something like this would be of any use whatsoever!


No need for reflectors in a box that creates more problems than they solve. Laser light directly into the light absorbing material in an appropriate box or not in a box is absorbed and stopped effectively

One supplier of professional beam dump, coatings and materials--see: https://www.acktar.com/

Suggest you google "Laser Beam Dump" or "Laser Beam Trap" dozens of web site listing---dozens of various permutations of what is used and sold in the real world--can give you a better idea than imaginings.

Dozens of photos of what is, also see: https://www.google.com/search?sourc...HY_lAmcQsAR6BAgEEAE&biw=1287&bih=698&dpr=1.25

As a practical matter for hobbyist use that works fine--a cinder block, a matte black piece of ceramic tile in a non-flammable box with non-reflective paint.--or as member Diachi has said "Thick piece of aluminum painted black, job done. I just use whatever I have on hand that won't burn - usually something metal, like a big heatsink (Black anodized in this case), or an old computer that's lying around.
As I said, just use something dark in colour that won't burn or catch fire. "

See LPF threads: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/diy-beam-stop-dump.91837/ and https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/best-surface-for-laser-beam-absorption.60290/
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I was just 'bouncing' ideas around. Sorry couldn't resist. Beam dump seems to be the way forward! I am using the back of a ceramic tile at the moment, but it needs a coating because even the back provides reflectivity.
I prefer a stack of single sided razor blades, the closely spaced, sharp edges , diffract high power beams quite nicely.

