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FrozenGate by Avery

battery help


Apr 28, 2015
I have been going back and forth on what my new purchase would be Ive decided to mabey hit 2 marks with one stone (or something like that) Ive wanted to buy some green modules for a project Im planning but at the same time I was looking into a burning laser. On the first note alot of you members said to go with fastect because thier 5mw green modules tend to be overspec and the prices are cheap so I can afford to by a few and mabey get a good one. Second as for the burning Im thinking of going with the cheapie 301 host 5mw green focusable ones with the the chance of mabey lucking out. All my lasers as now are green pointers that I can take apart an know what im getting into. Most likely my cheap 301 5mw will be garbage so how hard is it to take these apart an to take out the module, looking on the threads I saw disasembled one but the module looked smaller im not sure if it was because the focus lens was unscrewed and it had a heatsink(I mean shorter) so im wondering if the fastech modules would fit? Also as for the battery an18650 at 3.7 shoulnt be an issue? Thx everyone
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Forgive me for the double post, I feel that I left out some questions. Ive gone to threads to try to research. There is about 4 threads right now with questrions on the 301 host or battery power but none were about the topic im looking for. Im wanting to know if the 301 lasers have the same length module, most likely is the driver board any smaller? I found a thread with one of these 301s having the glued pressed in type thats allmost impossible to take apart without destroying it. Are these common? Thx again:thinking:

See this thread: http://laserpointerforums.com/f44/laser-301-host-breakdown-83002.html
Wow thank u Encap I sure as heck missed that thread and I did look till I got dizzy! I just took a quick glance and wanted to thank you before I go back:thanks:
Also as for the battery an18650 at 3.7 shoulnt be an issue? Thx everyone

I won't comment on the 301 host but there is a battery issue you may have overlooked. Those green modules come in both 3v and 5v versions, the 3v modules are the kind used in pointers that run on 2 AAA batteries, the 5v modules are used in lasers like the 301 that run on 1 Li-Ion battery, they don't need 5v but can take up to 5v, it's probably not a good idea to run a 3v module on a 18650, it might not last long.

I'm no expert in this but just throwing out there that heat is an un***y factor!!! Cheaper lasers prefer to be COLD *shivers*
Thats what I believed I was asking before I edit my first post. There were so many views with no replys I thought I posted wrong. I thought I was in the clear as far as the 18650 battery because pointers usually say 3v to 3.7v so using this battery is cutting it very close? Just a few minutes ago I was trying to order the 3v from fastech but it would not give me my right shipping address it kept listing me in FL and im in MA couldnt change it, so I came back to browse my thread and bingo! I saw your reply. There is a laser light above looking down on me. I need to start learning other builds other than my pointers, how bad is your hesitation for the 301 host for a begginner I havnt gotton back to EnCap sight he gave me. Also is the 3v and 5v modules any different in length as far spring contact, I have yet to look at the sight like Ive bean planning these purchases for a few weeks but now dont know wich way to go Any help please? thx
Looking at the Fastech site it appears the 5v modules are 8mm longer. I can't comment on the 301 host, have never assembled a laser with one. I use hosts that are made for AixiZ type of modules, and these green ones don't fit some hosts because they're too long. The 5v modules are 58mm long if the measurements listed are correct.

just a quick reply im going to go on that sight and try to absorb as much info my old brain can take I hope your there to help if I learn anything! thx everyone Well read the thread "laser 301 breakdown" they are more trouble than even what the host is worth. The majority seam to have the pressed in glued type of module. I didnt order modules to try on it because I caught Pi R squareds reply but I did order 2 301 lasers from t mart before reading oh well. Also ive should of known that 18650 batterys are 3.7v but can charge up to 4.2v. Im looking to buy from a forum members web sight a green 50mw that suppose to burn I dont know the rules as to say who it is. or play around with my extra pen type hosts. Again thx everyone
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Looking at the Fastech site it appears the 5v modules are 8mm longer. I can't comment on the 301 host, have never assembled a laser with one. I use hosts that are made for AixiZ type of modules, and these green ones don't fit some hosts because they're too long. The 5v modules are 58mm long if the measurements listed are correct.

Is it safe to say that the 3v are basiclly made for the pen type and 5v for all others and custom builds in general? What is the proper way to measure a module is it the end of the driver board to the tip of the lens? I had a pen pointer that was garbage it had the pressed in type module but it was the type that the lens holder was all plastic and you could screw it in almost a half inch. I cant see that as a generic fit all type because the more you screw it in or out the focus changes.
Is it safe to say that the 3v are basiclly made for the pen type and 5v for all others and custom builds in general? What is the proper way to measure a module is it the end of the driver board to the tip of the lens? I had a pen pointer that was garbage it had the pressed in type module but it was the type that the lens holder was all plastic and you could screw it in almost a half inch. I cant see that as a generic fit all type because the more you screw it in or out the focus changes.

Yes the 3v are mainly for the pen type and can be smaller not only in length but can be 8 or 10mm diameter compared to the usual 11.9/12mm. Yes that is the correct way to measure the length of a module.

