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FrozenGate by Avery

Back again with a mini rainbow and a lot of pics

Jul 12, 2013
Hey all! I've been gone for so long I popped back in a few years ago but I didn't have the best job and then the world got crazy for a bit there so away I went yet again. A couple months ago I opened a drawer and saw a laser and got it out and turned it on and I realized how much I missed lasers. I did some cleaning and found my small collection at the time. All I had left was my big 5w blue my little 473nm pointer and a little 515/520 low power single mode I cobbled together. In the weeks to follow, just looking at random stuff on eBay to my surprise there were strange novel wavelengths for cheap so I picked up some yellow and some greens and even an LPM, but something was missing and that something was LPF. I missed coming on here every day and reading threads and learning new things. Last night was quite foggy so I got some wonderful beamshots and had a great time out on my porch. Here are some pics starting with my lasers themselves:

My newest edition a single mode blue built into the Survivallasers stainless steel host. I have always loved Survivallasers host and I have wanted to build one with the conical focus adapter for years. I got this diode with driver for like $14 on eBay not a bad deal. it was advertised at 80mW.
455nm SL stainless.jpg455nm LPM.jpg
Here is a beamshot comparison between this and the 5W monster
455nm beamshot.jpg5W beamshot.jpg
Next up is my humble 473nm pointer I got through LPF way back in the day. I have always wanted more of this wavelength maybe I will have to give one of those DL modules a shot!
473nm pen.jpg473nm beamshot.jpg
She is a bit battered after weathering many a presentation, but I will never get tired of this beautiful color and the tightness of this beam. 3mW looks amazing in this heavy fog!

Next up is my 505nm unit I got off eBay. I love this host as it reminds me of a laser of mine that was lost/stolen long ago in a move. It was a 635nm unit I got from zRaffleticket and it was fun I miss the huge rectangle beam. My camera cant capture it and it looks almost cyan in the pics. Wonder how it will look when I get my 488 in comparison :unsure:
Ebay 505nm.jpg505nm beamshot.jpg

Next up is my 515/520. I've had this planned as a build since shortly after the diodes came out. I grabbed one of the lower power single modes but I didn't do anything with it until just a few months ago. I really enjoy this one. It reminds me of the first laser I built using a 532nm module from Dhgate or similar website into an altoids tin. Maybe someday I will get a 532 again!

515nm SL C6.jpg515nm beamshot.jpg

Next we get to some of my favorite new lasers! There is just something special about the perfect little dpss beams. Hopefully one day I can see an opsl laser in person I've heard they have great beams.

Next up is part of a two pack I got on ebay which contained a 555nm laser as well as a 593.5nm laser. Both seem to perform quite well.

Ebay 555nm.jpg555nm beamshot.jpg

My camera can not get this color right I may need to look for a new camera just to capture all the new things in the yellow region of the spectrum. :unsure: I wish this fog came in next week as my 573nm Valkyrie is on the way and should be here by Wednesday! I will update this and throw some pictures of that in as well!!

Speaking of yellow have some 593

Ebay 593nm.jpgSanwu 593.5nm.jpg

Sanwu fog beamshot 1.jpg593nm beamshot.jpg

The first shot is the Sanwu. The fog is working wonders on this low power beauty. I also have been using this to wow at presentations since it is small sleek and the button can be used as momentary or an on off button. The second shot is the eBay unit at a little over 30mW. It is so pretty and sparkly in the fog I could have looked at it for hours!

friend 60mw 593.jpg
This one is a bonus pic my friend took. I got him a 593 unit for his birthday that peaks at 62mW and I had him go out side and try it out too in the fog.

last in the spectrum are my reds I have both a 635nm unit I snagged on ebay and a 650nm unit I got from someone named Joker on lpf way long ago

Ebay 635nm.jpg Joker 650nm.jpg

I took a side by side beamshot of these two and you can really see the color difference!

635nm+650nm beamshot.jpg
Welcome back. Very nice colors you got there. Excellent stuff
Hey all! I've been gone for so long I popped back in a few years ago but I didn't have the best job and then the world got crazy for a bit there so away I went yet again. A couple months ago I opened a drawer and saw a laser and got it out and turned it on and I realized how much I missed lasers. I did some cleaning and found my small collection at the time. All I had left was my big 5w blue my little 473nm pointer and a little 515/520 low power single mode I cobbled together. In the weeks to follow, just looking at random stuff on eBay to my surprise there were strange novel wavelengths for cheap so I picked up some yellow and some greens and even an LPM, but something was missing and that something was LPF. I missed coming on here every day and reading threads and learning new things. Last night was quite foggy so I got some wonderful beamshots and had a great time out on my porch. Here are some pics starting with my lasers themselves:

My newest edition a single mode blue built into the Survivallasers stainless steel host. I have always loved Survivallasers host and I have wanted to build one with the conical focus adapter for years. I got this diode with driver for like $14 on eBay not a bad deal. it was advertised at 80mW.
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Here is a beamshot comparison between this and the 5W monster
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Next up is my humble 473nm pointer I got through LPF way back in the day. I have always wanted more of this wavelength maybe I will have to give one of those DL modules a shot!
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She is a bit battered after weathering many a presentation, but I will never get tired of this beautiful color and the tightness of this beam. 3mW looks amazing in this heavy fog!

Next up is my 505nm unit I got off eBay. I love this host as it reminds me of a laser of mine that was lost/stolen long ago in a move. It was a 635nm unit I got from zRaffleticket and it was fun I miss the huge rectangle beam. My camera cant capture it and it looks almost cyan in the pics. Wonder how it will look when I get my 488 in comparison :unsure:
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Next up is my 515/520. I've had this planned as a build since shortly after the diodes came out. I grabbed one of the lower power single modes but I didn't do anything with it until just a few months ago. I really enjoy this one. It reminds me of the first laser I built using a 532nm module from Dhgate or similar website into an altoids tin. Maybe someday I will get a 532 again!

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It's fantastic to see your passion for lasers reignited. Your collection is genuinely impressive, especially the variety of wavelengths you've managed to gather. The beam shots in the fog must have been a sight to behold! The contrast between your high-powered blue laser and the more subtle 473nm pointer showcases the unique beauty of each wavelength
It's fantastic to see your passion for lasers reignited. Your collection is genuinely impressive, especially the variety of wavelengths you've managed to gather. The beam shots in the fog must have been a sight to behold! The contrast between your high-powered blue laser and the more subtle 473nm pointer showcases the unique beauty of each wavelength
Thank you! I just need a few more wavelengths to finish my collection hopefully by the end of the year I will have my perfect rainbow!
