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Back after a while

Jan 8, 2008
Hey guys, I'm back after probably a couple of years. So what is Wicked Lasers' reputation like now? When I was really into things, PHR-803t diodes were the cool thing on the block, and a $300 handheld 1 watt laser is very enticing.
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Haha wicked...is worse than DX at this point. Ask ANYONE. They are probably the worst thing to happen to the laser hobby in a long time.
Care to explain?

Well you missed the 445nm craze where WL came out with the arctic which was an epic disaster. Some members ordered and waited nearly ONE YEAR to receive their lasers. Even then NONE of the lasers were up to spec. Batteries exploded, wicked lasers lied about shipping times, other lasers showed up under spec. Long story short do not buy from wicked lasers and especially do not post about buying from wicked lasers here. All this and I am not even getting into the wicked lasers sith series which is possibly the most dangerous contraption ever conceived.

FYI I was around earlier than my forum name suggests I changed names and before that I lurked so I have been their from the beginning of this debockle.
basically, 445nm diodes became cheap when it was found they were being harvested from projectors. 1 projector holds 24 diodes, and each diode is capable of <1000mW. Wicked lasers exploited that and began advertising arctics before they were even being sold. Advertisement went far and wide, and soon wicked began receiving possibly thousands of orders, thus huge wait times and shoddy construction.
What about the rest of their now affordable lasers?

LOL, All JUNK! All sub-standard, underspec'd, shotty qc, no support, rarely in stock for 6 months or more, models change after ordering and they just substitute/ship whatever, if they ever ship, etc, etc, etc. And God forbid you do get one and something is wrong, which ALOT are now a days from them too.

I waited almost a year for my artic, never got it, they never sent it. But I was one of lucky that actually got thru to someone and got a refund.

They are NO better than any cheap, mass re-seller from who knows where with from what supplier or manufacturer. Like DX or DD, etc.

Actualy think they are better than WL, at least with the other cheapy ones, you got a shot at getting it in around 30 days, and maybe even a decent overspec one. But a crap shoot at 50-50 is better than knowing the WL WILL be underspec and/or not as ordered. Then good luck.

WL is just another cheap, misleading and false advertised units with little/no recourse available thru them if it aint up to snuff.

I don't weigh in much lately, but I am sure if anyone else weighs in, the story and advice to avoid WL at all cost will be the same.
If you really want a background just use the ol' search feature and do the reading.
Just be ready to do a lot of reading.
