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FrozenGate by Avery

Awsome G-2 type lenses at exceptional prices!

Sep 20, 2013
I came across these G-2 type lenses similar to the ones from the group buy from O-Like, only these are better by 6-8% in a side by side comparison. I bought four lenses in the group buy, but I also had ordered 10 lenses from Techhood that cost me a lot more than the O-Like lenses did. I have a 445nm M140 in a Sky Ray host and compared the lenses side by side and the O-Like lenses gave me an output of 1600mW while these lenses gave me an output of over 1700 mW. I saved two of my comparisons from my Radiant data logging and the O-like lens was 1602mW while these lenses gave me an out put of 1733 mW. That is an 8% increase in power over the O-Like lenses. Techhod has put them out for sale for much less than I paid for them and wanted to pass this information on to the forum. You can buy anywhere from one lens, three lenses or ten lenses and the price break gets better with the more that you buy. For one lens the price is $8.90 with free shipping and the link is: 405nm 445nm 515nm Laser Lens MP9X9MM Laser Collimation Glass Lens 1 Pcs | eBay. For three lenses the price is $24.00 and the link is: 405nm 445nm 515nm Laser Lens MP9X9MM Laser Collimation Glass Lens 3 Pcs | eBay. For ten lenses the price is $73.99 and the link is: www.ebay.com/itym/261445535285. These prices are below the prices we paid for the O-Like lenses and they are superior lenses, too. They will be up for at least the next 26 days, so anyone interested should check them out. :wave: Paul

Just got a new link. If you want to buy 5 lenses for $36.50 that is $7.30 each with free shipping. The link is:405nm 445nm 515nm Laser Lens MP9X9MM Laser Collimation Glass Lens 5 Pcs | eBay.
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No, I'm not selling them, but I have purchased ten of them and tested them against the O-Like GB that sold 208 lenses. These are awesome lenses and the price is much lower than I paid for mine. They were originally $29.99 each. I got mine for $20.00 each for ten of them. They are as good a lens as can be had IMO.
Wow that is an insane price! Might pick up a few!
Wouldn't this belong in "deals and discounts" though?
You definitely won't be disappointed. They are awesome lenses. The three element lens on my Sky Ray laser output 1365mW. The O-like lenses were 1600mW and these lenses were between 1733 and 1758mW. A full 8% increase over the O-Like lenses and close to 30% more power than the 3 element lenses.
Good stuff, I bought 3 of them too. You should of stocked up on them and sold them to us tho :p
Thanks for letting us know Paul, Great find and + Rep for you.
Got 10 for a rainy day! :thanks:
malick, lol! Nah, this is good enough for me. I've gotten a lot out of this forum and it's always great to give a little back. I knew this would be a great deal for everyone and I was glad to be the one to come across it.
Cool! I have seen these a couple times, but i figured they were same as o-like is selling. Mind testing the two with a red, maybe compared to a standard glass lens?
I have. I've got one on a 300+mW 660nm red, and though they are great with them, also, it's in the 405nm and 445nm where they really shine. I am told by the engineer at techhood that they are great on 520nm, I don't have one to test it out on. I believe I got about 20% increase over the three element lenses in the 660nm range.
Yea i realize they are coated for the blues, but thats good that they are better than glass for reds- about the same price as 3 element glass lenses too, so a much a better alternative. Maybe we can convince DTR to stock these instead of the glass ;)
First of all, if anyone isn't sure, these are glass lenses. I never really did a comparison for the 660nm laser like I did on the 445nm laser, but I just got back from a doctor's appointment and I will make that comparison in the next hour or so and post the results for everyone to see.
If we gather enough interest I'd be happy to run another GB for you guys! :beer:

Jim, if you think there is enough response to this, I know the sales engineer and the product engineer and several other people in the Techhood organization. I could do the haggling with them as I have done so many times before. Just let me know.
Thanks Paul! I just bought a 3 pack but if a group buy comes in, I would be happy to buy some more! Thanks for the great find and your testing of the product!
