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FrozenGate by Avery

Australian Customs and Border Security

Dec 8, 2012
So I was on Dx.com and I ordered a few things like a C6 host/shell a few little torches a few other bit and pieces and this 0~14mm Steel Hole Saw Installation Kit - Free Shipping - DealExtreme, and after about three weeks I got a letter saying that on the 03/03/13 they have seized a "Concealed Spike inside a metallic cylinder"

so my thoughts were. OK it was only a few dollars thats fine whatever, but wheres my other stuff?


There is nothing in the letter about the other things only the hole reamer, which by itself I was a bit ticked but ALL of my things C'MON THATS BS! And there has been plenty of time for them to send me my other items, so the only logical conclusion is they stole my things.

So my question to my fellow Aussies is Have you ever had customs take more then they legally can? Are they legally allowed to take my things when they are not supposedly "restricted" or "prohibited". And finally is there anything I can do about the items they stole from me?

I hate customs and the idiots that caused customs to be A**holes, I really REALLY do


I've had a packaged seized before and they didn't send along the usb that should of also been inside it.. I wasn't too worried though because it was only $1 or so.

You could try giving them a ring and see what they say
So I was on Dx.com and I ordered a few things like a C6 host/shell a few little torches a few other bit and pieces and this 0~14mm Steel Hole Saw Installation Kit - Free Shipping - DealExtreme, and after about three weeks I got a letter saying that on the 03/03/13 they have seized a "Concealed Spike inside a metallic cylinder"

so my thoughts were. OK it was only a few dollars thats fine whatever, but wheres my other stuff?


There is nothing in the letter about the other things only the hole reamer, which by itself I was a bit ticked but ALL of my things C'MON THATS BS! And there has been plenty of time for them to send me my other items, so the only logical conclusion is they stole my things.

So my question to my fellow Aussies is Have you ever had customs take more then they legally can? Are they legally allowed to take my things when they are not supposedly "restricted" or "prohibited". And finally is there anything I can do about the items they stole from me?

I hate customs and the idiots that caused customs to be A**holes, I really REALLY do

Sounds like an annoyance... But at the end of the day, They're just doing they're job. If people weren't so irresponsible with this stuff it wouldn't have to be confiscated at all.
A classic example of a few bad eggs ruining things for the rest of us responsible laser owners.

Funny though, I've imported large quantities of C6 host assemblies without any issues with Customs what-so-ever. I wasn't even aware they were a prohibited import. Ooops. :/
What a bad shake---am not from Australia but sounds crazy. that you have no recourse.

You should have a chance to explain/show Customs what the stuff is--you could copy the info web page and say this is what the stuff is.
A classic example of a few bad eggs ruining things for the rest of us responsible laser owners.

Funny though, I've imported large quantities of C6 host assemblies without any issues with Customs what-so-ever. I wasn't even aware they were a prohibited import. Ooops. :/
Hosts on there own aren't prohbited. Only fully assembled battery operated lasers are.
They confiscated a reamer ? :thinking:
That is just a metal working tool. It shouldn't be seized.
What a bunch of monkeys !
In my experience you just have to let it go :/ there is no use fighting for your items, you will just dig yourself in deeper. I once ordered a module and 5mW laser from DX and they confiscated the module as well. I was all hyped up like you but finally realized i should just let it go. They might take you to court so then that will be more money out of your pocket, sorry for your loss.
Hmm interesting. As far as I know, laser modules are specifically named as not being included under the 1mw restriction. I've had modules get through successfully before, and with considerably higher power ratings, however not from DX. (In fact, I've never had any laser gear confiscated.)

Customs seems to work in strange ways.
The module was in the box with the 5mW laser. Customs are only allowed to control handheld battery operated laser pointers over the accessible emission of 1mW. Therefore this means they are not allowed to confiscate modules, labby's, etc. Normally they confiscate whatever else is in the box as well cause the can't be bothered to seal it up again and send it on its way.
Ah I see. Thank you for sharing that. Losing the rest of an order would be terrible.
don't wanna make a new thread here and i'm not trying to hijack ur thread, but since there is australians talking in here i thought i'd ask if anyone knows were to buy a labby in australia!

Thanks :)
