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FrozenGate by Avery

Asking for help building a visual fault locator-like tool.


New member
Jun 4, 2020

I am fairly new to the field of lasers, tinkering, and such, and would like some help in building a (hopefully) simple tool.

What I want to build is essentially a pen-shaped visual fault locator (VFL) with fiber optic adapter, but with a green (520nm) light instead of the 650nm that every single VFL comes in. Or possibly even more simple, a green laser pointer that can connect to a fiber optic cable to light it up.

Would it be easier to purchase a generic VFL and try switching out the light source for a green one, or to build my own VFL from scratch?

Problem with both options is I have no idea where to start. I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions!



I am fairly new to the field of lasers, tinkering, and such, and would like some help in building a (hopefully) simple tool.

What I want to build is essentially a pen-shaped visual fault locator (VFL) with fiber optic adapter, but with a green (520nm) light instead of the 650nm that every single VFL comes in. Or possibly even more simple, a green laser pointer that can connect to a fiber optic cable to light it up.

Would it be easier to purchase a generic VFL and try switching out the light source for a green one, or to build my own VFL from scratch?

Problem with both options is I have no idea where to start. I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions!


Not sure why you'd need a green VFL, red works fine and is quite cheap (https://www.ebay.com/itm/10mW-10KM-...aser-Cable-Tester-Test-Equipment/261476281179). If you're just trying to make a fiber optic cable glow, why not buy a cheap greenie online?
He’s actually onto something here, I had the same idea. I bet me and plooms have a similar job , I do very long span fiber optic paths ( 40-100 miles ) and we have to use a VFL to find damage on the fiber as it can be very hard to spot. A good red VFL will go 10 miles at max, and that’s pushing it. I offer no help but it is a good idea.
He’s actually onto something here, I had the same idea. I bet me and plooms have a similar job , I do very long span fiber optic paths ( 40-100 miles ) and we have to use a VFL to find damage on the fiber as it can be very hard to spot. A good red VFL will go 10 miles at max, and that’s pushing it. I offer no help but it is a good idea.
In fact, if someone was able to fabricate a green VFL, I would be willing to compensate.
