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FrozenGate by Avery

Are these ok to use

If you could trust Aliexpress they look like OD4 laser goggles from the descriptions. Laserlands is usually a good Chinese seller, but have never bought goggles from them. These should also be good for green lasers, which it seems is what they were made for. Either 520nm or 532nm. If they are OD4 goggles your 3 watt laser would give a strike of 0.3 mW or less.
What worries me is if you look at the link down below they show a so called Eagle pair with green lenses that look exactly like the generic cheap ones. They are for IR 980nm to 1064nm but still worrisome..

Ainus, for $10 more I would get Eagles from Survival Lasers International link..
No problem. They are ok to use for blue,green and ir parts of the spectrum. Don't use them for red.
What worries me is if you look at the link down below they show a so called Eagle pair with green lenses that look exactly like the generic cheap ones. They are for IR 980nm to 1064nm but still worrisome..

Ainus, for $10 more I would get Eagles from Survival Lasers International link..
Ok I wil get eagle pair from survival lasers
