Im fairly new to lasers, and I wanna see some really cool stuff. Anybody near by that has really high powered, bright, or strange colored laser they could show me? Ill gladly bring a 12 pack!
Im fairly new to lasers, and I wanna see some really cool stuff. Anybody near by that has really high powered, bright, or strange colored laser they could show me? Ill gladly bring a 12 pack!
I live in the quad cities, but that is about ...????I can't remember..maybe 1 to 2.5 hours away from you. I can't say that I have anything that is super high powered though. Highest powered laser that I have is a red 220 to 250mW. All of my Blu-Rays have died and I have a 15mW green.
If you just want to get a taste, order the 5mW green laser from Deal Extreme. It's cheap and you can see the beam in the dark, which is pretty cool for someone new to the hobby or maybe just me. The next step would be buying or making a lasers that can burn.
Here is a picture for you of my red outside at night.
Ive got a "30mw" amazon green that looks strangely close to the $6 5mw green from hong kong i just got. Ive also built 2 blu ray kits off ebay and broke them both (bad drivers, poped the diode replacing the battery)
I also have a new style dilda on the way
Im really wanting to see a yellow, blue, or orange beam in person or a 150mw+ green outside in the dark, or some of the high powered lab lasers
this is the only other color ive gotten outta my lasers.. somewhat of a beam crossing making pink sorry about the size and quality... taken on my phone
i used to have a 50mw green laser... but it broke.. but right now i have about 300mw red.. n about 110mw blu ray