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Another one possitive Feedback for Blord!

Jun 18, 2013
NEW 2.5W+ 445nm Steel Laser by Blord.

My Review :


Thank you for everything Blord.For building it for me..for supporting my laser while i had bad luck with the diode and thank you for being so Genteel and so Honnest guy to me!!For any human creature outhere one thing only want to say..Blord is the guy to deal with..!Thank you very much again from the bottom of my heart my Belgian friend!:beer::wave:

Jul 1, 2013
NEW 2.5W+ 445nm Steel Laser by Blord.

My Review :


Thank you for everything Blord.For building it for me..for supporting my laser while i had bad luck with the diode and thank you for being so Genteel and so Honnest guy to me!!For any human creature outhere one thing only want to say..Blord is the guy to deal with..!Thank you very much again from the bottom of my heart my Belgian friend!:beer::wave:
All true i just wish he had a magic way of guaranteeing his lasers will get past Australian customs, and i would be buying quite a few from him, he has been invaluable to the forum ,so frustrating at the relative ease the rest of the planet gets in lasers from him and other dedicated ppl on the forum i have enough stuff get in passed customs but its the small stuff, the expensive stuff usually gets taken and obviously that's what i want most i got a 90mW green in today LPM but a 500 mW is what i really want

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Jun 18, 2013
I readed a lot here Blaster for your Australian customs..its so sad to have these tough custom laws but what can you do??Laws are Laws..here in Greece there is no problem at all.Two times Blord send it to me and two times i get it so..so..easy from our post office here.They even did not looked at all what was inside in the bubble envelope i suppose..but here is Europian Union laws are much..much..different between us(Europian Citizens..and the customs)so its much more easy for us in Europe to deal with.
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Jun 18, 2013
Yes Shakenawake.Definitely Blord is 100% guy to trust him.Iam reading here for some members that got tricked some times by some not so good laser companies to trust to deal and I said to myselfe that I was and are so lucky that I dealed with Blord and my second thought is..Hey guys here in LPF are some great members builders to deal with.Avoid bad companies and trust the 100% possitive feedback guys here.Its 100% better to deal with them if you want a perfect laser unit with the real power that you will arrange with the member builder.:wave:
