You take that back right now!!!! :twak::gun:
I admit Voyager has some galaxy spanning plot holes, but even so it remains my favorite Star Trek.
For realism I read books... in a book no consideration needs to be given to how to put an alien on screen, and the cost of some makeup, vs thousands for CGI
Personally it annoys me to no end, that in every alien encounter, the language barrier is overcome with such extreme ease. Star Trek Enterprise series attempted to deal with this to a degree which was nice, but still, it's not quite there.
All the movies and most books I read, still tend to assign fairly human motivations to the behaviors of aliens... most still make for a decent read though. I'm currently reading through Peter Hamilton books, he at least tries to address this.
On screen I have a feeling to the majority of the public out there, having true "aliens" would not make enough sense