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AMC7135 Driven Blu-Ray

yobresal said:
How can I get a 350ma AMC7135 to drive a blu-ray at 60ma?

I would really not recommend an AMC7135 to drive a BLuRay. But if you did want to press ahead anyway, you would have to find a way to shunt 290mA. It would have to be in parallel with the LD and should experience tha same dynamic resistance changes with temperature drift as the LD experiences - otherwise as the LD heats up and its resistance drops, it will consume a greater portion of the 350mA. Resistors would fit the first requirement but not the second. It's an expensive LD to risk on a non-ideal driver. There are other solutions you can find on this board. Good luck.
Alright, good to know. I bought 20 of these 7135's and plan on using 10 of them for red lasers and was hoping I could use the extras on a blu-ray. Guess I'll have to find another solution. Thanks.
You can always find another use for those circuits ! Check out the vast array of LDO regulators out there....the sizes and shapes are what intrigues me so much :-)
If you want an easy blu-ray circuit, use a simple 7805 regulator. You can get all of the parts at radioshack for $5. It's easier to build than Daedal's circuit too.
Ive seen several places where people have said the 7805 circuit made the br die very quickly, less than an hour of on time.

Well it also depends on how the 7805 is being used since it can be used both as a current regulator or voltage regulator. It does suck if used as a current regulator.

My blu-ray is still going strong and I am using the 7805 as a voltage regulator. I am sure I have more than an hours time on it. Would you care to point out where you read people have been having problems with it? Maybe they were not using a resistor and capacitor.
It is a 50 ohm .5 watt precision turn pot. The only other components are of course the 7805, a 10uf 16 volt capacitor soldered directly to the diode, and a 1 ohm resistor in series with the pot for measuring current. I have even turned the pot to its least resistance and it put appx. 56ma's to the diode. Never had a problem....
That was my blueray that died using the 7805 setup, but in my post I did explain that I set it to 47ma's instead of 1-2 ma's past lazing threashold. I'm sure I overdrove that one. I have 2 more diodes on order and I plan to still use the 7805 setup, but I will tune them better this time.
Yup I did go and look at your post. I am not sure how I missed the thread. :P Maybe toked will chime in here and have a reason why his died.

47ma's might be a little on the high side. I am running mine with ~38ma's. The only reason I took it to its max was because I just had to light a match...lol.

Thanks for explaining... :)
hmm, I dont remeber that bieng in there, I thought you had said it was running at 37ma.
that also makes me feel a lot better about the 7805. Im glad you clerified that 47ma killed it! It makes a lot more sense now. :)

