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Am I Doomed?

Oct 16, 2009
I have to sell my awesomely amazing +100mW green pointer I just bought from Jack at Optotronics to help pay for my kid's broken arm but I can't find the little itty bitty piece of paper Jack puts in the case showing the actual mW (118 by the way). Is there any point of trying to sell it in the classifieds without that piece of paper? There is a ton of posts in here where I talk about buying it and I can even scan my credit card statement showing the purchase of both pointers but would anybody consider buying it without that folded up piece of paper? I'm not listing it in this posting, I'm just trying to figure out if I'm going to get too much flack for trying.

I sold my Opto 50mW here in the classifieds so I could purchase the +100mW but I had the paper.

You can ask Jack if he holds a copy of the paper he sent you along with the serial number for your pen.
That's not a bad idea but I'm not sure why he would keep copies of each pen's readout. Plus, he probably wouldn't want to get invloved in any re-sale issues since he doesn't know me from Jack! Haha, I just made a funny:D
Looks like he does not keep the instructions with the power output. See below:

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 10:48 AM, <gsquared18@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi Jack,
Is it possible to get a copy of the paperwork that came with my +100mW pointer I purchased on Nov 5th? If it is possible, can it be sent via email for me to print out or do I need to send you postage so you can send it via snail mail?

From: "Support @Optotronics" <optotronics@gmail.com>
To: gsquared18@yahoo.com
Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 2:10:46 PM
Subject: Re: Optotronics Product Inquiry

Do you mean a copy of the sales invoice? I can email that to you.
If it's the instruction sheet with power output listed, I can't help
you as we send the original and don't keep a copy for ourselves.

Jack O'Neill
Optotronics LLC
Optotronics Laser Products


From: Greg Gelber <gsquared18@yahoo.com>
To: "Support @Optotronics" <optotronics@gmail.com>
Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 2:17:59 PM
Subject: Re: Optotronics Product Inquiry

It was the instruction sheet I was after but looking through my saved invoices, I don't see the invoice for the 100mW I bought so sure, I'd like an email copy of the purchase.

Thank you,
Greg G.

I'd say an invoice along with a copy of my CC statement should provide enough proof. I'll go ahead and put it up for sale in the classifieds.
