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FrozenGate by Avery

Allmost gave the wrong gift


Apr 28, 2015
I just bought another green pen ebay cheapy. I put regular heavy duty AAAs one measuring at 1.5v and the other at 1.6v. This pen was weak small dot and just about no beam in darkness, also if this makes a difference it has the pressed and glue in type of modules that in my experience dont seem to be very strong, I thought then this is the perfect gift to send to my brother in law as his first new green pointer for presentations at work. I just had the box and everything ready to ship. At the last sec I put in fresh alkaline batterys and I was amazed. This pen popped a balloon! I cant strees what a difference that alkaline batterys make. By the way this like my 3rd ebay pen that can pop a balloon. This gift could of been a catastrophy as I was planning on putting a note saying it was no stronger than a red cheapie pointer. Phew!:thinking:

Most cheap ebay lasers you buy nowadays are several times the advertized 5mW. Ive bought plenty and they have ranged from 25mW to 75mW. Its really a gamble and sometimes they don't last long. I assume with laser technology developing. Its getting easier to produce green lasers and producing that light more efficiently.

If you truly want to buy a 5mW laser for your brother, you'll have to have a look further than ebay. Some companies that immediately come to mind are optotronics and laserglow. They sell "true" 5mW green lasers but they're a lot more expensive than your average ebay pen. However as with any good company, you can expect them to be of superb quality and last for years!

Alternatively you can add/DIY a neutral density filter to the front and significantly reduce the output. Though IMO its not worth the trouble.

Green lasers are nice gifts but they should be given to someone who will use them responsibly. So if you think your brother is responsible enough then have a chat about laser safety before you give him a potentially dangerous device. A pair of laser glasses would also suffice and some can be had for a just a few dollars more.
I have also found that sometimes there is a bad or loose connection either inside or with the battery cap so at one moment it seems weak but change the batteries or move the laser a bit and it becomes much brighter/stronger.
That's cool that you have put time into observing the laser, taking measurements and generally putting the laser through it's paces. :gj:
You need to do that with each and every laser you ever get. Whenever I get a less than 100% good working laser I either fix it if I can, return it for an exchange if the issue is a major one or use it for my own personal use because I am aware of the lasers problems.
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That's cool that you have put time into observing the laser, taking measurements and generally putting the laser through it's paces. :gj:
You need to do that with each and every laser you ever get. Whenever I get a less than 100% good working laser I either fix it if I can, return it for an exchange if the issue is a major one or use it for my own personal use because I am aware of the lasers problems.
Thanks for advice alot of the member wonder why I keep buying the the cheapie DPSSs I like the chance of getting a over spec one plus I can take them apart and learn from them. I have 2 optotronic.s and I dont dare take them apart. I have some fastech modules on order for a project or I can put them in one of these cheapies host. To cut it short they are a stepping stone to my next investment of some type burner As allways thx:thanks:
