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FrozenGate by Avery

Alden Plugs FS for HeNes

Apr 2, 2009
Sorry I don remember who was asking so I will make this thread in hope they see it.

Sam has a few to sell cheap.. free shipping to CONUS either sex needed only 5$ each. If you are not in a rush and will be attending SELEM in Newton NC Aug 16-19 you can buy in person as he has just agreed to be our special guest. How cool is that-- meet our guru in person.

I can give you Sam's email addy via PM or its also at his site.

Any other laser parts (small enough to bring) can be requested to be brought to SELEM. IIRC is almost out of yellow and green HeNes.

For more on SELEM see my new thread on the event.

link to be added asap.:thanks:

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