I'm into full auto pistols. I have a KSC G18c with full Glock trademarks on a metal slide. I also had two broken HFC m9's (full auto/ 3rd burst/ semi).
My main weapon is a ghetto Dragunov/ RPK
. It's an Echo 1/ JG AK47 with sh!tty plastic RIS rails. I put a nice scope, bipod and drum mag on it. It looks sweet (especially the ruby coated scope lens) but doesn't really perform up to par.
My dream gun would be the KWA SR12 with a scope, 6.01mm tightbore barrel, and an m203 with a 204rd grenade. Maybe a nice green laser on there too!
For anybody in the mid-atlantic region this airsoft forum is awesome but quiet sometimes.
Mid-Atlantic Airsoft Player Registry© ::
I actually made a post on there about lasers and pretty much got flamed out (ie lasers should not be used in an airsoft situation).
Here are some pics, they are obviously
not mine but I just wanted to give everyone some ideas:
KSC G18c:
Ghetto Dragunov/ RPK:
Can't find any non-sh!tty pics right now, maybe I'll take one tomorrow of my actual gun.
Thanks for reading!