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FrozenGate by Avery

After a burning laser in the uk

Apr 8, 2012
As the title suggests i am after a powerful laser as to relive a childhood fantasy hehe. I live in the uk so does anyone know anywhere i can get one? Or maybe some one selling one?

OdicForce is in uk... Already ordered there, pretty good store... ;) Also a good place to get your Eagle Pair with your first laser!

This far the only laser shop I know in the EU.
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Thanks for the info mate! Which laser on that site would you experienced people get ;) or which is the most powerful one on there? There is one that claims a stable 300mw and another (more expensive) at a tested 280-300mw? They are in the prof green laser section.
Thanks again
Thanks for the info mate! Which laser on that site would you experienced people get ;) or which is the most powerful one on there? There is one that claims a stable 300mw and another (more expensive) at a tested 280-300mw? They are in the prof green laser section.
Thanks again

Stay away from green some don't have IR
Filters, try laserbtb
@Iman: OdicForce measures their lasers IR filtered! READ!

Dont care for Iman, he is something like to forum troll.

Im also very interested of buying the 280-300mW laser soon :) Though Im afraid someone finds it during transport to germany and take it away ;_;.

Many hobbyists green lasers dont have infrared filters, but the eagle pair used for 532nm lasers also protect from IR, so this is no big deal.

For lasers Im still thinking the best way is to build one yourself using an M-140 diode... You can decide its power and if something stops working you can fix it yourself. You can easily reach over 2W of power with a good diode, but 1W will give you a really good lifetime.

At least in germany you can order laser parts from all over the world, there is no regulation on them. The strongest handheld OdicForce has is the 720mW blue laser (probably the same diode we use) but its sold out at the moment. This is as powerful as the Arctic (claims 1W^^) is. You can do almost anything with this one, but I always failed igniting white paper with under 1W...

If you know how to use your hands and have soldering experience you could easily build one yourself, its no big deal. Just read a little bit over the board and you find everything you need. If you want to buy one you have to decide if you can import one (I dont know the uk laser laws...) or buy it inside the uk^^
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if your not too good at soldering, just buy the JAD kit from mohgasm, choose your current output, buy a m140 in a aizix module from DTR and with the leads soldered on, then just solder the leads from the JAD kit to the diode leads, put it all inside the host, and you will have a burning laser ;)
I PM'd him sometime before too. Never replied though so I'm guessing he's going for the Odicforce's :)
what, you guys are selling lasers? pm me ;) im after a cheap 200mw ish one myself, so pm me :D
