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FrozenGate by Avery

Advice for a new green laser

Aug 26, 2012
Hello everyone,

with my very limited laser knowledge I would appreciate advice on buying a new green laser.
After more than 2 years owning a 1W Spartan, I would like to move on to a new laser.
I would like to get a laser brighter than my Spartan and also in the green spectrum.
My first choice is weither it will be a 532nm DPSS laser or a 520 diode laser.
I am personnally leaning more towards the 520nm diode lasers, due to the stabillity of these lasers.
On the other side the DPSS often have better beams, but I don't mind that all that much.

So I found 3 lasers, that might suit me well:

Sci-Fi Lasers : Arcane 2.0 520nm 1-1.4W
Arcane 2.0 520nm

JetLasers : PL-E Pro 520nm 1W
520nm green laser pointer, 520nm 1000mW green lasers, 1w green laser diode 520nm JETLASERS

JetLasers : PL-E Pro 532nm 800mW
PL-E Pro 532nm Green Lasers

If you have an alternative, I would greatly appreciate it to see it.

The big heatsink and higher power output of the Arcane 2.0, is something I like very much. However the battery types and the lack of beam expander is really bothering me.

The PL-E Pro 520nm 1W, is my favorite as of now. This is due to the beam expander and the battery types used.

So I would really appreciate advice on chosing a powerful green laser and why you would choose it.

With kind regards,

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Hi LasersAreEpic, they all are pretty nice lasers and you should not be disappointed with any of them. You have pretty much listed the difference between the lasers in detail already. At this point it is pretty much up to your personal choice.
If price is an issue the JetLasers 1W Equality seires 520nm is a good choice also @ $399. See: 520nm Equality series Green Lasers

Not sure if the Equality series has a crown threaded to accept the Beam Expander adapter---check with JetLasers on that.
Thank you for your reactions!

Yes, I understand the main differences between these lasers.
However getting some user experience, if possible, would be great!
I am pretty certain about buying the 1W 520nm PL-E Pro.
Considering everything, it fits me the most.
The Equality series 520nm is nice too, however I do prefer the battery types used with the PL-E Pro series and the beam expander.

I have three more questions:
What is/are the difference(s) between the PL-E Code switch and Mechanical switch?

Would be using two 26650 batteries the best option?
If so, is this a good option: Keeppower 26650 5200mAh 3.7V LiMn (protected)?

I would really appreciate it, if you could help me with these questions.

With kind regards,

