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FrozenGate by Avery

Advice before buying


Apr 27, 2014
Hi all,

I'm about to buy my first laser, but I have some questions before... I read a lot of interesting things here, and I know some answers of the following question are already on this forum, but I would like to have an "up to date" opinion before I buy the laser. Thanks in advance ;)

I want to buy a green laser, with a beam clearly visible in daylight, and who can burn things/light matchs. I thought of a 400mw.

My main question is : where to buy ? I saw this one : Reviews: Crown upgrade 400mW green laser torch/adjustable/waterproof [OL-CGL-400] - $185.99 : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce

What do you think of it ? I have around 150€, do you have a better laser to buy at this price ?


Hey play,

First off you will need to get yourself some quality safety goggles, since eye protection is nothing to mess with with high-powered lasers. EaglePair is a good place and they will run you around $30-$40.
Link: Eagle Pair® 190-540nm Standard Laser Safety Goggles

Secondly, I see you mentioned you have 150 Euros, which translates into approx $210. The glasses alone(depending on which you chose) will bring you down to about $180-$150.

Sadly, $150 is nowhere near enough to get you a NEW 400mW 532nm laser. You can get yourself a 100mW laserbtb 532nm laser which is of high enough quality and is one of the cheapest companies out there. Not to mention most of their lasers are over-spec so you mostly likely won't be getting a 100mW laser as advertised.
PL 532nm 100-700

Lastly, even though 100mW is enough to burn/light matches you won't easily see the beam in daylight. I used to have a 500mW 532nm laser and it's beam was barely visible :(

Be safe, and have fun :)

Thanks for your post;

I looked at recommended website, as laserbtb, dragonlaser, jetlasers and laserglow... and I'm a bit lost again...

Why same power lasers are at so different prices ?!

PL 532nm 100-700 ==> 300mw at 229$

HL 532nm 50-300 ==> 300mw at 164$ (???)

Green Laser Pointers : Dragon Lasers ==> 400mw at 299$

Laserglow Technologies ==>300mw at 889$ (?!?)

http://jetlasers.org/equality-serie...battery-no/color-silver/goggles-no/holster-no ==> 300mw at 249$

Why these differences ?!

And final question, which one do you recommend on this list ?

Thanks again
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Thanks for your post;

I looked at recommended website, as laserbtb, dragonlaser, jetlasers and laserglow... and I'm a bit lost again...

Why same power lasers are at so different prices ?!

PL 532nm 100-700 ==> 300mw at 229$

HL 532nm 50-300 ==> 300mw at 164$ (???)

Green Laser Pointers : Dragon Lasers ==> 400mw at 299$

Laserglow Technologies ==>300mw at 889$ (?!?)

532nm Equality series Green Lasers - Jetlasers.org, Online Shop for Jetlasers Products. ==> 300mw at 249$

Why these differences ?!

And final question, which one do you recommend on this list ?

Thanks again

The main reason is different companies charge different amounts. Also, quality is a big reason too. I would recommend laserbtb and Jetlasers. They are both reputable venders, and you will receive a very nice laser.

Check this out for example. This is a 450mW+ 532nm for $1200+. The main reason is quality, the RPL's are known as one of the best lasers on the market. It also has great divergence.

But many people would recommend Jetlasers for a very high quality laser with a very reasonable price tag for what you are getting.
But on the same website (laserbtb), the same power (300mw) is selled at two different prices, 229$ (1st link) and 164$ (2nd)... strange ?!

I'll follow your advice... I'm hesitating between laserbtb and jetlasers, if you have a final advice :p
Either one is good. I've dealt with both companies, and both are very easy to deal with. Jetlasers sold me my first laser.

Grab the one you think looks the best.

As for the different models on Laserbtb's site, they have the HL (handheld laser) and PL (portable laser). The pricier one has a bigger heatsink, longer run time. Both are good though.
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