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Actual laser animation vs. simulated animation using video projectors

Jun 27, 2014
5,000 lumen projectors are available for $1,500 USD. So, if I use one to project a simulation of a laser animation show, I am wondering how it would compare to a 3 or 5 watt animation laser.

1) I realize that the $1,500 video projector would probably not have extremely deep blacks. Though, I imagine I can improve on that if I spend closer to $2,000.
2) The video projector has, essentially, infinite points/sec.
3) No variance needed, or concerns over safety for video projector.
4) Lasers retain a certain "feel" about them with their intense colors.

I have never tried to compare the two. Has anyone else tried? How would you compare them?


May 20, 2014
I tried, it's close if you have a good video source to use with the projector. Either vfx software or illustration software to create "scenes" but there's this "white" light even in the blacks with all projectors so it's never going to look as good. There are a few videos on YouTube about this iirc.
