just a heads up:
your site has a few security issues:
photos directory is not secured, file listing can be seen, there i see :
wich tells me :
Warning: include_once(admin/config.php)
wich tells me there is an admin directory
wich brings me to:
wich gives me soem info i should not have:
dbconnection is in /inc_dbcon.php?
mysql user: 'teravolt'
wich brings me to:
Name Tab Order Description
Passives 10 This category is for things like wire, capacitors, resistors, transformers and inductors Edit | Delete
Silicon 20 This category is for things such as diodes, transistors, mosfets, igbts and ics Edit | Delete
Digital 30 This category is for digital electronics, including sensors, micro-controllers, robotics and other related stuff. Edit | Delete
Radio 40 Everything radio related ought to be put here, including vacuum tubes and radio-control stuff Edit | Delete
Audio 45 Amplifiers, speakers... anything audio related goes here Edit | Delete
Light 50 Led, laser, x-ray, optics and other radiation will find a nice home in this category Edit | Delete
Junk 60 Old circuit boards, computer parts, hardware and boxes of assorted junk are welcome in this category. Edit | Delete
Tools 100 Oscilloscopes, multimeters, soldering irons, dremels: anything tool related should go in this category. Edit | Delete
Misc 190 Heatsinks, bussbars, motors: whatever doesn't fit anywhere else can go here Edit | Delete
Barter / Wanted 200 Here you may trade, barter or advertise your service. Edit | Delete
I will leave it at this, im sure if i go poking around in there, i'll find more..
$_GET['q'] is not properly sanitized!!!