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a complain received by a customer for the newly 520nm green laser pointer

Dec 13, 2009
here is the complain I received from a customer:

This is a comparison between what used to be a 200mw red laser. 5mw of green is much brighter than this.

and he gave me two pictures as comparison.


from the picture. the so called red laser module is nearly the same brightness as our green laser pointer.

the green laser pointer we produced newly is 520nm laser diode in. the output is 5-10mw

since the buyer has very high expect for this green laser, I do put the case here. hope someone in this plat-forum can help him compare the two lasers within two different wavelength

What is the wavelength of the red? I can't see the images due to college blocks, but I take it that it is 650nm?
I would say that in order for a 520 to match a so called 200mW 650, you would need at least 60-70mW of 520nm. And at least 70-80mW to match a 200mW 635nm. If the other way around, then 10mw of 520nm would be roughly equal to 25-30mW of 635nm and 30-35mW of 650nm.
Without seeing the images I can't say anymore. If you are certain that the laser you sold is around 5-10mW, then his red (635/650) is underspec and shouldn't be compared to. Only an LPM will verify the power of both lasers. I hope you get this resolved. :)
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What is the wavelength of the red? I can't see the images due to college blocks, but I take it that it is 650nm?
I would say that in order for a 520 to match a so called 200mW 650, you would need at least 60-70mW of 520nm. And at least 70-80mW to match a 200mW 635nm. If the other way around, then 10mw of 520nm would be roughly equal to 25-30mW of 635nm and 30-35mW of 650nm.
Without seeing the images I can't say anymore. If you are certain that the laser you sold is around 5-10mW, then his red (635/650) is underspec and shouldn't be compared to. Only an LPM will verify the power of both lasers. I hope you get this resolved. :)

There are no images.
Hard to see the brightness without the referred to two Pictures....:thinking::thinking:

Looks like OP has tried to embed an image that's attached to an e-mail, so the link won't work for us because it's OP's e-mail account...
Ok. :p Just right clicked the placeholder. Laserlands, can you reattach the images for us?
This is absolutely worst case 10mW 520 vs a low 200mW of 660 red.

Isn't the diode in those supposed to be 515?
If so, the red dot will appear even brighter by comparison. Even further so if the red is 635nm or putting out more than 200mW which is very likely. These 520 greens are pretty bright per mW but not automatically brighter than every other laser regardless of power.

Relative Laser Dot Brightness Calculator: (520nm 10mw) vs. (660nm 200mw)
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can you open the link in my reply?
yes and I do not think to compare two laser pointer with different wavelength is a good way to compare a good laser pointer
frankly speaking. the laser diode we have used is osram 10mw . the real output of the diode can reach 20mw sometimes. so that the output of the laser pointer is acturally around 10mw. average at 8-12mw.
but as the customers complain, I do not know how to reply because he insist the one he received is a 1mw. but from the picture :http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o8lohoY, as he said it is a red 200mw, the brightness is equal or seems more brighter than the 200mw red laser pointer.
thanks for your help in this platforum.
In that picture, the green looks BRIGHTER than the red which definitely indicates their red is WAY underspec.
Also don't see a distinct line in the output of that red like the LPC series diodes are notorious for.
The stray part of the green beam where it overlaps in that picture with the red makes a nice balanced yellow though and that is with the weak portion of the green beam.

Also just got my 4.5mW 532nm pen out and my unknown power "90mW 635nm red blows it away.
Even my 405nm 700mW rated sanwu challenger blows away 4.5mW of 532nm in both dot and beam brightness.
Without knowing the actual measured power and wavelength of that red used as a comparison, the camera used, back-lighting etc: there is no way to even closely estimate the output of the green in question.

No offense meant by the following, however whether the individual who purchased this laser has EVER seen a truly 5mW-10mW green is also in question.
According to the image, that would put the red at ~1.5mW. Not quite 200mW.
My 405nm uses one LD. The entire laser is a little bigger than an 18650 battery but barely.

I am not sure which LD is in it aside from it is in the 3.8mm form factor. It was listed as having the 14x diode and I know it is being ran at the limit of what it is capable of after having one die with less than 10 minutes total run time on it even with a soft start driver
That one was measured by sanwu at 900mW with a G7 lens.

I will know the exact output power of this one as soon as customs releases my LPM they have held for the last 3 days.
