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6x BR build pics & beamshots Simply Stunning!

have you tried using clear acrylic? i find it surprising that you get 120mW at 110mA with a lens which would normally reflect blue back to source.

I dont have any clear arylic, and im measuring with a lasercheck. The numbers tend to bounce around with this meter. I will try another lens, I like using this type as I have alway had good results with beam shape. I didnt think of that point though, I take it that reflection is not a good thing :(


The first firing was done with the glass lens, and then changed it for the pics. The shape is much nicer with the thin acrylic, but possibly detrimental.
possibly.... retroleflection could be hazardous, but since it is spread over a large area, i dont think it would do any harm, besides, theres no optical feedback to worry about.
theres what looks like a planoconvex lens in the sled in the blu-ray section, which is coated for 405nm. why dont you give it a try?
Thats exactly what I had in mind. Im hoping it will behave the same as the DVD acrylics ;)
well, dont forget to post back your results! this lens seems to have quite long back focal length compared to standard collimators, but i hope it does work and vy little light fans out.
But of course, its an excuse to post my favorite pics :)
Okay, I switched out the acrylic with the BR acrylic. Happy to say it makes for a nice beam, with the output of the glass, and characteristics of the DVD lens. Im still amazed with the ability to focus this beam down and burn @ 30+ feet with ease. One difference with the lens is that it has to be further away from the diode. Ill be taking some more pics tonight, as it is still dusk in my timezone :(
Beautiful, especially the green/bluray combo! I'm surprised the green doesn't wash out the bluray in the pic.
Another 6 X club member! With his own unique style build!

Those pictures are awesome! :o

Especially the ceiling pic... I'll bet that one is your desktop background!

Way to go wannaburn!
hi wannaburn can you post the schematic of the driver you are using (7805)?thanks. i just need a guide and some option.
Thanks, this has been my favorite build thus far. The beam is incredible, it’s so sharp compared to the PS3 sled, I can’t get over it! Tonight I went to my in-laws place where they have a massive crystal chandelier, and of course my camera died but I will get those pics >:( The interesting thing I discovered was that their floor tiles keep a green glow when I pass the 405 across it. Im not sure of the type of stone, but it leaves a trail similar to that of a CRT TV when it’s powered off. If anybody is interested in a wallpaper size photo for their desktop, let me know which and ill post it for you.

Ill post the link for the 7805, I got to dig it up...
wannaburn said:
Okay, I switched out the acrylic with the BR acrylic. Happy to say it makes for a nice beam, with the output of the glass, and characteristics of the DVD lens. Im still amazed with the ability to focus this beam down and burn @ 30+ feet with ease. One difference with the lens is that it has to be further away from the diode. Ill be taking some more pics tonight, as it is still dusk in my timezone :(
How far away is the lens from the diode?
At the very end of the module. I had to lengthen the spring :-/
Total distance away from the diode is approx. 30mm, about 1/3 further than the other acrylic lens.
