First off, I'd like to say hello to everyone. I've been lurking around for a little while and finally got around to joining. As I said in the welcome forum, I am working on getting a project going to build and test lasers; specifically we're starting with blu-ray diodes. We are going to be setting up some low and high power blu-rays and testing certain properties. I will be testing output power and focusability as well as some other tests that are probably a bit hard to do outside of a lab for most people such as coherence length. I will be posting whatever results I find here. If any of you have any specific tests you don't have the means to do let me know and I will see what I can do about getting some data. One test I will probably be doing is to make some 3 color transmission holograms using red, green and blu lasers so I will definately post up anything I get from that. That's not so much a test as it is just for fun, but I can pass it off as science so it'll fly. We just ordered a 6x burner today so as soon as that comes in we will begin destroying it to get at the nougaty center. Hopefully I can post some results soon!