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FrozenGate by Avery

67 Watt NUBM47 Diode???? I'm not so sure about this.....

Aug 31, 2016
I just randomly came across this article claiming someone got 67 Watts from a single diode by pushing 80 amps to it. I think it's probably a typo or an outright fabrication but if it's on the internet then it must be true, right?


Duration of time was ( just a few nanoseconds ) so the image is nowhere near even normal output, it doesn't even have any real heat sink.
If it's not that hard then why isn't everyone doing it?
Simple, There is difference between peak power and average power, Have you seen those 80W IR plastic laser diode packages? peak power 80w, average power a couple mW. For the nichia diode, peak power must have been as specified 67W and average a couple dozen to 100s of mW. Where is this useful? Laser pumping dye cells for a dye laser, look at some Les's lab videos.
If it's not that hard then why isn't everyone doing it?
Idk where do you come from but in lab every other laser driver we have pulses them at absurd powers with subnanosecond pulse widths.
Idk where do you come from but in lab every other laser driver we have pulses them at absurd powers with subnanosecond pulse widths.
Well, I don't come from a lab. I was born the conventional way and I mostly build laser pointers with CW drivers.
Sounds totally doable. Probably could get it to 200-300W with short enough pulse, the driver would be a pain though.
Les is VERY reliable. This is a very well known trick. I literally just commented this before seeing this on another thread. So the driver is pulsed and it puts an extremely high current into the diode for a very short time. It would be a dangerous and pretty useless device for most of you. The idea was to get the power up to replace a dye laser for a non linear light source for a fiber optic cable driven to continuum via super a radiance. It’s not quiet there as e need kw of power but exciting nonetheless.

I guess there are high power pulsed lasers with MHz pulses but man that is just not safe unless you have a reason for it.
Great for laser cutting as you can ablate the surface rather than cut it. Btw this is not how q switching works but similar result.
