650nm 140mw Sony DVD 16X burner w/ 3v power & 3v green LED light in parallel in old DX pen housing w/ Axis optics by Kipkay's design w/ no driver @ 4 months old.
You are very lucky it has lasted that long with no driver. And please from now on resize your pics to 800X600 or less so we don't have to scroll...thank you.
Constructive criticism. Nice, I know, I didn't expect this $20 dollar experiment to last. We'll see. So far I've abused the heck of it and no problems. I simply don't care if it dies, in fact, I'm testing it to see how long it lasts. However, it does seem to kill the batts quicker then normal as the diode is undergoing lots of extra un-stabilized stress. Just show and tell.