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5mw new wish help

Dec 5, 2007
hello i got a new wish 5mw green laser the other from DX and when i point it at a wall of anything with in about 15 feet the dot on the wall has like a green X were the green dot is

i dont know what to do

also could i have some tips from opening it up for a pot mod it seems imposable to open with a box cutter or such


I wouldn't mod a DX laser.. they are pretty much at their limit.

DX lasers are low quality cheap lasers, you can really expect them to do much.

You probably have a dirty lens or the lens is scratched. If you notice there are 2 or more beams coming out of it, you could have mode problems. Shine it though a magnifying glass and see if you can spot 2 beams.

A picture of the X would be helpful as well.
ok thanks
but about the dx lasers i have seen a lot of people saying that they are great to mod i dont want to mod it any more than 34-45mw nothing extreme

i will try to get a picture of the lens later today

i dont have a magnified glass
divindavid said:
ok thanks
but about the dx lasers i have seen a lot of people saying that they are great to mod i dont want to mod it any more than 34-45mw nothing extreme

i will try to get a picture of the lens later today

i dont have a magnified glass

wow you dont have a magnifing glass?there like a 2 dollars at pretty much any shop.
divindavid said:
ok thanks
but about the dx lasers i have seen a lot of people saying that they are great to mod i dont want to mod it any more than 34-45mw nothing extreme

i will try to get a picture of the lens later today

i dont have a magnified glass
Going from 5mw to ~40mw is asking quite a lot to a cheap laser... and they are APC controlled which means they wont go higher than 5mw even if you turn the pot in the laser.
35-40 mWs IS extreme for a 5mW pointer.
And modding lasers is a bad idea, period. No matter what you see in youtube videos or whatever, it's still a bad idea.
Even if you do succeed and get a noticeable increase in power, chances are you won't be able to enjoy it for more than a few hours. The diode's ~50,000 hour lifetime will generally be reduced to 1-2. :P
35-40mW from a 5mW NewWIsh? Nothing extreme? If I tried overclocking my 2.0Ghz processor to 14-16Ghz and said it was nothing extreme, what would you think. Then imagine its a crappy processor that barely works as as and try modding it to 14-16Ghz processor. Thats what you're asking.

A 5mW NewWIsh probably can't even handle 5mW. If you try modding it, it'll be a great learning experience, but don't even try it if you aren't fully ready to lose your laser.

BTW, Chad, the lifetime of regular 808nm diodes is far less than 50000hr.
actually carter I think you're being a bit harsh. Plenty of people have lately been getting True 5s from DX, stock (unmodded) at around 30mW.
Your going to need to post a picture of the dot for the best help we can give you.\

Best case cenario is that your lens is dirty. You can use microfiber cloth, a Cotton swab (Although it may make it worse :P) or compressed air. If using a cotton swab, put a DROP of lens cleaner on first.

the other situation is bad mode shifts... try warming it up before use
Trying to modify a dx 5 mw is kind of pointless when you can just buy the true 30mw for 7 dollars more and not risk ruining your laser.
yeah i think i am going to sell this one to my friend and buy another DX greenie

what one do u think is the most light for my buck the 5mw the 10my the 20mw the 30mw or the 50mw
