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532 green laser pointer mod

You can just call me Paul. Everyone does and most know who you are talking about. I don't know of any other members here that are as active as I and named Paul. Good luck to you, Ron.

Mr. Presse, You asked for advice, and you're ignoring most of it.

You can clearly arbitrarily change the input voltage as you like, so why not power the laser module with 3.6V through the switch? Virtually all of your circuitry is not only useless, it is doubling your power loss with absolutely no benefit.
Let's be precise so no one is unduly scared. It's a 5 mW laser which is pretty much invisible seen from any wide angle so pointing it skyward isn't a concern. Accidentally hitting an aircraft isn't a worry too, just deliberate targeting is and unlawful. A mistake might happen when viewing a low angle celestial object but probably not likely since there would not be persistent targeting.

((((( Accidentally hitting an aircraft isn't a worry too ))))) WHAT ???

Everyone needs to be aware that pointing any laser at or in the pathway of any aircraft is a big deal if it's accidental or not means shit, you still are guilty of felony reckless endangerment even if you didn't do it intentionally.

Don't bring more heat against our hobby and don't think your intent matters, your not Hillary Clinton, you will be prosecuted if caught, so practice safe habits 5mw or 5000 and don't let it happen and don't go around telling people it's no worry if it's accidental, that's wrong, there are people in prison right now who said it was an accident and they didn't intend any harm......You may not like it and you may not agree, but they are making examples of people and giving rewards for tips so be extra careful, don't think you are safe if you crime was accidental.

If a person was intentionally aiming at this helicopter I would think they could have done a lot better job, this looks more like just waving it around where a helicopter was far away, remember the helicopters camera is zoomed in and this guy may not see it, one could say this was accidental but see what happens, handcuffs are involved.

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((((( Accidentally hitting an aircraft isn't a worry too ))))) WHAT ???

Everyone needs to be aware that pointing any laser at or in the pathway of any aircraft is a big deal if it's accidental or not means shit, you still are guilty of felony reckless endangerment even if you didn't do it intentionally.

Don't bring more heat against our hobby and don't think your intent matters, your not Hillary Clinton, you will be prosecuted if caught, so practice safe habits 5mw or 5000 and don't let it happen and don't go around telling people it's no worry if it's accidental, that's wrong, there are people in prison right now who said it was an accident and they didn't intend any harm......You may not like it and you may not agree, but they are making examples of people and giving rewards for tips so be extra careful, don't think you are safe if you crime was accidental.

If a person was intentionally aiming at this helicopter I would think they could have done a lot better job, this looks more like just waving it around where a helicopter was far away, remember the helicopters camera is zoomed in and this guy may not see it, one could say this was accidental but see what happens, handcuffs are involved.

You did not watch the vid closely. This appears to be a direct example of targeting an aerial craft. The individual shone his laser twice at this craft as the craft changed its position. Once from afar, then on the second time when the craft was closer. Find an example of an oops where the perp is arrested.
It's your lesson, learn it the hard way if that's what you want, just remember to tell the judge that he can't convict you because it was an oops.

Remember there's more than 1 law that you can be charged with breaking.

Oh, and make sure to stamp your feet when you educate the judge to drive your point home.
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It's your lesson, learn it the hard way if that's what you want, just remember to tell the judge that he can't convict you because it was an oops.

Remember there's more than 1 law that you can be charged with breaking.

Oh, and make sure to stamp your feet when you educate the judge to drive your point home.
It's your lesson, learn it the hard way if that's what you want, just remember to tell the judge that he can't convict you because it was an oops.

Remember there's more than 1 law that you can be charged with breaking.

Oh, and make sure to stamp your feet when you educate the judge to drive your point home.
Didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

I'm not a child with hurt feelings, I'm a hobbyist who dislikes the thought of my fun being outlawed on account of careless jerks, it's in both of our interests for people to be cautious when pointing skyward.
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I'm not a child with hurt feelings, I'm a hobbyist who dislikes the thought of my fun being outlawed on account of careless jerks, it's in both of our interests for people to be cautious when pointing skyward.
I understand that caution. Hold yer horses there Redcowboy. You make it sound we should all be quaking in our boots to even dare shine any laser into the night sky. To the best of my knowledge all of the persons arrested and found guilty intentionally broke the law. Your posted video clearly demonstrates such.
I understand that caution. Hold yer horses there Redcowboy. You make it sound we should all be quaking in our boots to even dare shine any laser into the night sky. To the best of my knowledge all of the persons arrested and found guilty intentionally broke the law. Your posted video clearly demonstrates such.

Have you reviewed every single case ?
I know some have said it was just a mistake and I know the FAA want's to make examples to deter people.
Actually I have heard that if you live within 15 miles of an airport and there are a lot of municipal and private airports it's illegal to point a laser over 5mw into the sky, so don't bank on the it was an OOPS defense, best to look and listen before you lase and pay attention.
