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FrozenGate by Avery

520nm vs 525nm

Nov 20, 2007
Hey guys,
Other than the slight color difference, are there any spec differences between these two diodes? Is divergence better on one than the other?
Reason I’m asking is because I’m considering purchasing a Sanwu 1W Guardian and I noticed they charge $20 more for the 520nm. What is the benefit of choosing this one over the 525 nm?

Assuming they are using the NDG7475 for the 520nm, it is capable of higher powers and also more expensive. I believe the divergence is the same. Whether or not sanwu drives them to the higher powers I don't know. But if they don't then it should last longer so either way win win. The price difference though is most likely just because the diode is more expensive to acquire. So they pass on that cost to you.

Take a look at the consumer diodes available here
I've had this exact same question. It's interesting that 520nm is more expensive (up to $40-$80 on some models) for the same power, considering 525nm is ever so closer to 532nm.
Some of the 525nm diodes are decanned as they come with a ball lens attached. This makes them cheaper to buy and may, but we don't have evidence proving this, shorten the life of the diode. This is common among blue diodes that have been decanned and definitely have shortened lives.
