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FrozenGate by Avery

50mw Cycles?

Aug 14, 2013
I know that there is probly a thread on this already, yes I did search but didn't find much. Ok so does anyone know what the REAL cycle for a 50nw green laser running in 3.7v is?
Don't wanna ruin mine :cryyy:
If there is a thread on this feel free to link me up.

Thank you
Jayden :wave:

To get a reasonably accurate answer you will have to post a photo or a link to your laser. If it gets warm your running it too long.
Yes I agree, more like 15 - 30 seconds, it depends on what you put it in, with proper heat sinking it can do a little better.
Nah, I've had those cheap green pointers run for days at a time with no problems. Don't worry about it at those tiny powers.
Yes I agree, more like 15 - 30 seconds, it depends on what you put it in, with proper heat sinking it can do a little better.

I'm not putting a heat sink just one 3.7v battery along with a dummy battery, so yes I'll just do around 15-30 like you said with 60 on. But once I get all together I may buy a heat sink and upgrade it :)
Thank you for the help
