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462nm Laser k/o !!!

Oct 6, 2015
So i build this 462nm laser and it worked fine i set the driver to 1.4A the driver is a boost driver it worked fine today i decided to use a Efest battery and the diode dimmed immediately i check the amp and it was around 1.5A i also tested another M140 diode and it works perfect are this boost drivers bad what killed the diode i have more just no idea if i should use the same driver or a X-Drive and set it at 1.4A, Last image is yesterday when the laser worked perfect 💭

Try checking the output voltage of the driver without a load connected. If it's boosting the voltage too much it could have zapped the diode. Too much noise on the output could also fry it.
You know those XXXfire batteries are often far below their ratings.
I think this is likely the issue. If you set the current using the xxxfire cell the sag in battery voltage may have fooled you into turning the pot a little too much. Then switching to a GOOD battery popped your diode because the good battery was able to deliver its rated voltage into the load.
You are correct I checked XXX-fire batteries reading is 1.4A I tested 4 Efest batteries and some AW the reading is 1.6A 5.6V,5.5V i used the Efest and set the driver to 1.4A and i switched the battery using the XXX-fire and the reading was 1.28A 5.5V the drivers max is 1.8A the diode i used NDB7675 i just received 10 of this diodes i have another build X-Drive and it’s set at 1.8A and no issues i remember testing one years ago and the can handle 2.4A in a good heatsink
Years ago I puchased five M140 diodes new and with unsoldered on pins, full length for $40.00 each. I never tried runnig them harder than 1.8 amps though. That was pushing them hard enough. Still got the one in my signature doing better than 2.2 watts.
Still no clue why the diode just dimmed see the 3rd image this is when the diode was dimmed maybe it’s a bad diode i also used a spring yesterday and it reflected back and it still worked today and 🤯, I will build 440nm 6W first and do another NDB7675 i have all this diodes brand new
Update this 1 diode came from OpticsLD and i just compared it to other NDB7675 diodes i purchased from DTR and one build i have and found out it was cyan color when it worked the only problem it was not NDB7675 the front window is huge compare to the original diode i believe the selling new diodes or just copy diodes or maybe completely different 462nm diode 9mm
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