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FrozenGate by Avery

450mW EHGEMUS W/Focus adaptor

Re: 600mW EHGEMUS W/Focus adaptor

so, this is the HIGHEST pwr blu-ray in thw world! congrats! :beer:
it's 12x? what current and what is expected lifetime?

Re: 600mW EHGEMUS W/Focus adaptor

Not really. There is a 688mW out there and many other 600mW. Plus mine is now lowered to a safe 450mW.
Re: 600mW EHGEMUS W/Focus adaptor

cant wait for beam shots of this beast!
Re: 600mW EHGEMUS W/Focus adaptor

So how bright is 600mw compared to 400mw of BR?
Re: 600mW EHGEMUS W/Focus adaptor

Honestly when I compare my now 450mW to my 575mW violet the 575mW seems much brighter (beam wise) Kind of weird considering it is only 25% difference.
Re: 600mW EHGEMUS W/Focus adaptor

So far I have burned from across the house. Which is about 50ft. You have to use very fine adjustments to the focus and mount the laser.
