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FrozenGate by Avery

40-50W blue laser from tightly packed parallel 08 beams

The vast majority of 808nm fiber optic units were never used for welding, but as pump packages for solid state lasers. That is why so many were sold. It remains to be seen if the demand for blue optical fiber units will match that of the pump diode demands. I kind of doubt it as there was great demand for pump packages for all sorts of applications.
You're wrong again.
With rechargeable batteries becoming mainstream and the growing zero emissions electric car market boom that's coming there will be vast demand and the companies investing today know it, these high power blue fiber coupled arrays are in production now.
You can cast doubt all you want but you said " There really isn't a need for fiber optically coupled 445nm/450nm beams " and YOU WERE WRONG......try to admit it rather than making excuses on top of excuses........it won't kill you to be honest every once in a while, try it sometime. :LOL:

You just can't admit it when you're wrong.

You can weld with a gas torch too, but that doesn't change the fact that what you said was wrong, you are trying to deflect from your incorrect statement, it's comical paul, ridiculous but comical yet sad.......do you know that you bring a wry smile to my face as I laughingly pity you ?
