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FrozenGate by Avery

300mW red cnc laser cutter/engraver

Apr 23, 2013
Hello guys !

Sorry. I Don't know if this is the right forum section.
I recently finished my Frankenstein Laser Engraver/Cutter made from old PC junk and put together a tutorial.

I stumbled over a tutorial about how to build a laser engraver out of dvd drives. This build has been talked about here aswell as I can remember. It is made by a user named Groover. He also designed the lasershield for this device. I have read alot in this forum about drivers and safety but never registered nor wrote anything. Also this is my very first laser project. Serious electronics at all.

At first I ordered a 1w IR laser diode from eBay. Was blinded by the power in the true sense of word and soon replaced it with an ordinary DVD bruner diode.
This build now has a red DVD burner diode driven at 300mW. An Arduino serves as the controller board for the stepper motor drivers (easydriver) and the laser shield. The laser shield is smart in that way as you can plug any laser driver on it to replace the original driver with a new one. This way you can easily replace the red diode with a blue one.

The machine is made from an old scanner and an old printer.
It can cut craft foam easy, dark paper, black plastic (1mm) with several runs. Engraving is possile on plastic, light wood, leather and varnishes (thos ld pc case in the typical 80s computer color).
The accuracy of the scanner stepper is nice but the printer stepper sucks and is the weak part in this machine.

Have fun.


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Can you share more info other than just pics? Also a formal introduction wouldn't hurt since this as your first post is a bit strange...
I cleaned this thread up and did what you suggested. Sorry for rushing in.
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