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FrozenGate by Avery

3 laser pointers for sale 405 nm violet 200mw 532nm green 200mw 660nm red

Dec 25, 2011
got these in trade and realiuze i won't ever use them ...you get all 3 shown ...

vilet comes with rechargeable ultrafire 3.6 v
red takes 2 cr2 batteries
green takes 2 aaa batteries..

tenergy dual battery charger included, but not seen in pics....

looking for 50.00 shipped.....

if you need a referance from me , you can message lasermodder thanks.

paypal verified..
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got these in trade and realiuze i won't ever use them ...you get all 3 shown ...

vilet comes with rechargeable ultrafire 3.6 v
red takes 2 cr2 batteries
green takes 2 aaa batteries..

tenergy dual battery charger included, but not seen in pics....

looking for 50.00 shipped.....

if you need a referance from me , you can message lasermodder thanks.

paypal verified..

Out of curiousity, how much would you be asking for the green laser?

This is a nice set, its a good way to get into lasers as it has the 3 main colors, and it has everything you need, a dilda for burning, a green for beam shots at night, and a 405 for coolness. I would recomend it to anyone who is trying to expand there collection, hope it sells. Good Luck! ;)
