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FrozenGate by Avery

2x 445 modules for 1 445 laser

May 29, 2011
i have two of RHD's mosquito modules running at 1.3A and 1.76A IIRC
im looking to trade for a complete 445, 532, or 635. power requirements must be >1000mw; >200mw; >200mw
id be happy to use middle man, and ill throw in a few gifts :)
merry christmas!

ill send pictures by request
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Hey - they're not putting out >1000mW themselves?

EDIT: I think I misread. You meant that you're looking for a complete build right?
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Im interested, PM me and ill send you a pic to a build youd be interested in.
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I have a complete build in a hotlight host, with a heatsinked flexdrive set at 1.4A with aixiz glass lens.
PM me if you are interested.


EDIT: Are your modules with spring ?
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