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FrozenGate by Avery

2w 445nm blue laser goggles help

Oct 1, 2012
i have a blue 2w 445nm laser. i refuse to use it until i prchase some goggles. would these goggles from wicked lasers work? i have heard of optic density and i dont know what that is. also when i select blue laser, it selects red lenses. is that correct? thanks for any replys i get.

link to wicked lasers goggles: LaserShades

Welcome :)

Not really if you get a direct hit... Try eagle pair.

BTW go to the safety section and please do some reading. This subject has been covered more times than I care to remember. :tsk:
Haha, ok. Yea, I'm still learning around this website. Probably took 20 minutes trying to find out how to write a post. Quick question though. If I have to purchase one with a higher nm than that of mine, will it do fine? I want to buy it off amazon because i have some credit on it but they don't have 445nm only higher or lower. 808nm glasses to be exact for $42.
Eh? No you must buy the goggles that cover the wavelength you intend to use! You cannot use goggles specifically for 808 nm with a 445 nm laser!

Please do some reading in the safety section before you hurt yourself.

Here is the first thing you should read: http://laserpointerforums.com/f53/get-some-safety-goggles-now-75799.html

Edit: This is the second: http://laserpointerforums.com/f53/laser-safety-guide-newcomers-how-safely-lase-71102.html

Please read them thoroughly and if you have any more questions then ask...:beer:
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