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FrozenGate by Avery

1mW 532nm Pen -Replace 808nm Diode


Nov 27, 2013

So i'm yet another australian who's at risk of being anal probed by customs and i've toiled with this idea for some time now.

To my understanding 532nm lasers use a 808nm Diode and a series of crystals to lase.
What i'm planning to do is buy a 1mW pen locally(532nm) and then order a 300mW or more 808nm Diode from overseas and replace the exsisting diode in the pen, before i do this though i would just like some input from the lpf community and maybe a few pointers(not lasers :P ).

for example do these 1mW pens still use the same Diode > Crystals > Beam Lens'
setup or is there something different and also has anyone had previous luck.

For reference heres the pen i'm planning to purchase: New Stylish Green Lazer Laser Beam Light Pen Pointer 1mW 532nm High Power | eBay
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Not only would that be incredibly difficult from a hardware perspective, you would either fracture the crystals or get a very poor return on power invested. You would also need to upgrade the driver and use different cells. You need to upgrade a lot more than the pump diode to get a higher power laser.

tl;dr: NO.
Thank you for the input,

I've managed to get these apart before without visible damage to optics, i did kinda think that i would need to beef up the power supply, what i thought i'd do is put a 300mw 808nm in place of the exsisting diode and if required turn this into a lab style laser using a LM317 driver similar to my profile picture, if everything went perfectly (unlikely for me) would the 300mw diode properly lined up be able to achieve 15-30mw of 532nm?

in my case its more about experimentation then power and i dont think i'd be trying to turn one of these into a 100mw 532nm.

if only people sold Complete crystal sets for the same price of modules or cheapy pens for people to experiment with :(
