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FrozenGate by Avery

1600mW 445nm Blue 304 from Sanwu, battery not included


New member
Dec 24, 2019
hello as the title says i have a 1600mW 445nm Blue 304 from Sanwu but they didn't ship the batteries with it, i have emailed them and am waiting a response. in the mean time even if they ship they batteries today it would take some time to get here. it would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me find the battery for this laser, in the listing it said 800mAh 18350 / 16340 battery but it didn't say what type is for my laser. i think i need a 18350, but do i need a button top or flat top .
thank you

edit: sanwu is sending the batteries
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Either one size is fine but I would opt for the 18350, if you have a spring inside at the head of the laser flats or buttons will work ok.
If it has a solder blob then buttons will work. If you want really good batteries I suggest Efest or AW batteries, im sure the ones that Sanwu is sending are cheesy and not made well especially if it has the word fire in it or other Chinese knock offs.
IIRC, those are very similar to the 303 lasers offered on eBay. I'm not certain two 18350s would fit inside it, but the two 16340s certainly will. Looking forward to seeing a review once you get it going.
2 x 18350 flat top is the way to go. Should fit and you will have more capacity than 16340, you can go with the flat top and you can use a 502B tail cap in place of that silly keyed cap which gives you another spring to make up any slack in addition to the front driver spring, here's one of mine with 2 x 18350 flat tops and they fit although yours could turn out to be slightly different..........I would NOT use 2 x 18350 button tops as that could be too tight.

FYI 18350 means the cells are 18mm wide and 35mm long........16340 are 34mm long but the button tops are worth about 1mm


Here's a 16340/LR123A button top next to an 18350 flat top, they are essentially the same length within a fraction of a mm although brands can vary, but the extra capacity of the 18350 is a good idea with a 1.6w blue.

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The main reason you dont want batteries shipped with your laser is customs. Lithium batteries can get your package inspected and they would have the ability to test the laser with them present This is why most will ship separate and its not a bad idea to purchase your own because many Chinese batteries are of poor quality. I use either Illumn, 18650store, or IMRbatteries depending on what I need and stock.

As far as the 18350 cells go - like RedCowboy said, flat top is the way to go unless a product specifically calls for buttons. I run primarily Vapcell and Efest; both are reviewed well & readily available. I personally like the Vapcells because they are slightly newer and INR type which gives slightly better capacity (1100mAh vs 700mAh) but you cant go wrong with either. GL with your new laser and be safe!
