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FrozenGate by Avery

100mW@532nm laser from Lazerer-opinions

I bought a 100mw 532 from them over a year ago and it worked good. I know they used to meter their lasers before shipping them not sure if they still do. I doubt the laser would only be 5mW even if they don't care about power guarantee anymore.
buy from laserbtb instead and u dont have to worry. lazerer just seem lazy and dont even answer mails or anything and take forever to ship lasers that are in stock...
I found the same laser but this time 200mW on YourLaser.com. Althought, thanks for responding.:thanks:
I found the same laser but this time 200mW on YourLaser.com. Althought, thanks for responding.:thanks:

My god. Noob alert.

Don't get baited by scam sites, if the prices are too good to be true, then they are.

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I think it has been said enough that LaserBtB.com or the forum's BST section is your best bet.

Lazerer and yourlasers are both now considered scam sites.

Please keep this in mind, and also, use the search bar if you come across any other questionable sites. Chances are that that site has already been discussed.

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@KRANAZNBOY: I'm not a noob and the price isn't so good to be unreal but I don't find it on internet, I will search on laserbtb, I'll use the search button and sorry for this useless thread.:oops:
yourlasers is crap yeah. isnt that dx owners also that run that site? u can get those cheap lasers on ebay or aliexpress or whatever.
@KRANAZNBOY: I'm not a noob and the price isn't so good to be unreal but I don't find it on internet, I will search on laserbtb, I'll use the search button and sorry for this useless thread.:oops:

Sorry i was pissy this morning and was acting like an ass. I apologize.

But yes my advice stlll stands.

For reference if a green laser is not around or more than $0.50 USD per mw, it is probable a scam

200mw for $30 - SCAM

500mw for $300 - LEGIT

10000000000mw for $15 - SCAM

1,000mw for $500 - LEGIT

There are exceptions, of course. :p

First post shit yeah! But I've been looking at theses sites and their 532nm lasers and can't find to many reviews on like the any of the 400mw or 500mw ones. Anyone suggestions? First time buyer here.
Welcome to the forum! First you should know that you will NEVER find a legit 500mW on this sites. Search on laserbtb for highpowered lasers or here on lpf.
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But on lazerer they have a power guarantee that will show you? Is that all fake?
