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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. A

    Techhood, anyone have experienced with them?

    ThanX for the advise, for the divergence - I thought it's single-mode.... With "don't know what to do" I mean that with 660nm's I heal, with 405nm I expose PCB, with 638 I .. um ... probably have fun :) I think these are sold as 500mW rather than 1W.
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    Helios - Open source, low cost DAC

    @Grix I like the video you posted :) What kind of laser projector does it need (not something like NEC P502HL I guess) ?
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    Techhood, anyone have experienced with them?

    So far his things work - I've tested the BDR209 diodes he sent (sbd allowed me to win 'em), they're reportedly dismantled from BDR209s. So far they arrive in working condition (I have several yet to come). I won also a Mitusibishi ML501P73, which looks brand new (though I don't know what to do...
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    Can a TMP36 as a LPM Meter Sensor?

    The emissivity can be software tuned, but it is required to be at least 0.50. With 0.1 we'd get prevalent noise, especially for low temperature differences. Status: the #1 spray is ordered, because I found it easily obtainable and with thinner layer. If needed, 2 layers of it won't hurt. I...
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    Can a TMP36 as a LPM Meter Sensor?

    I didn't take of this paint when I had the opportunity, so the possible candidates are: 1. Heat resistant paint 650°C - Auto-K by Peter Kwasny GmbH - German paint Pros: forms thin layer - 7um; heat resistant; Obtainable - I can get it for ~ 8 USD; Cons: no data for thermal emissivity; doesn't...
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    Can a TMP36 as a LPM Meter Sensor?

    Good idea. Now I look for enamel with good thermal emissivity. The sensor works well against my hands (the human body has high emissivity). Also an enameled pan in my kitchen was measured with realistic result. It seems that the sensors come from the factory calibrated with a perfect black...
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    Can a TMP36 as a LPM Meter Sensor?

    Update: I've succeeded in programming the MCU to work with the sensor so far. I've hooked a LCD display to print the temperatures onto it. It's not sensitive to visible light. But other problems have risen: The object temperature measured depends on the object's emissivity. (Damn). This...
  8. A

    Pioneer 16X BDR-209DBK

    For which diode ?
  9. A

    best wavelenght to ionize air

    I have heard of a weapon which ionizes the air to the soldier with the help of a LASER and then strokes him with high voltage. Is that your goal ?
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    Homebuilt 3-5W Copper Vapour Laser System

    You're right - only for a while. I'm afraid that we may end up in something worse than the Cold War. Back then, we were quite strongly afraid that the president Ronald Reagan will destroy the world in compliance with the USA's s fix idea for preemptive nuclear strike against Russia. (Beware...
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    Let's talk about Mars.

    I think it got canceled due to economical problems. The television decided that there were fewer people who watch it, so . . . But AFAIK, the people who watched it were of great quality ;-) It mixed Sci-Fi with drama. Many of the characters had their personal dramas and all of them had other...
  12. A

    Best lens setup for smallest most perfect focus dot possible at around 300mm distance

    @Exerd: "So the intensity at the laser die face always sets the intensity maximum which will never be exceeded at the target." I don't feel it so true. The people use 40W lasers to cut metal. These would destroy themselves if the energy density at the mirror was greater than at the spot...
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    Homebuilt 3-5W Copper Vapour Laser System

    @LSRFAQ: Thanks for the NFO on the problems with the sodium quantum levels. Wow ! That's smuggling :-) I didn't even know about this CuBR technology of our ... who - instutute, factory ? There were factories for non-standard equipment also. Unfortunately many technological caps we had are now...
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    Can a TMP36 as a LPM Meter Sensor?

    First: Happy New Year ! The things are moving albeit slowly: My sensor arrived today :san:. So the next week I'm going to "reserve" some time to play with it with the MCU I have at home. I'm sure that arduino would help me to do it quickly, but i'm fan of doing some things myself like USB device...
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    Let's talk about Mars.

    Yes, SG1 was my favorite also. But I've found interesting even SG Universe. They also had very realistic problems there - almost everything on the space ship was malfunctioning :-)
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    Star Wars Rogue One

    Watching Star trek, what do you think about StarGate (or you haven't heard about it) ? I don't know for 4, but from what I have watched, Star trek often looks somewhat artificial...
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    Homebuilt 3-5W Copper Vapour Laser System

    @diachi: As for the Na: I just thought whether the sodium-vapor lamps could be turned into lasers LOL. They already emit narrow band around 589.3 nm wavelength. But it turned out that such lasers do not exist. There exist 589 nm LASERs but they are complex devices.
  18. A

    Let's talk about Mars.

    Why do you concentrate only on food ? There are problems with the water also. With energy (fuel, electricity, oil). With the air (well some new presidents deny that). Even if there were not any problems as AaronT suggests, do you believe that the count of people could rise without limit...
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    Star Wars Rogue One

    There are at least 100 books on the Star Wars topic which tell the whooole story, but it seems that "they" didn't use any of them. In these, Han Solo has 3 kids and so on... There are more galactic wars also... Luke gets married... And there are stories about the ancient times before the old...
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    Let's talk about Mars.

    I couldn't say it better than Benm. Now I think about interstellar journeys. The main problem is the radiation. The scientists are not sure that even unmanned spaceships could survive it to the closest star, but with a new engine which they think can accelerate to near 1/4 LS, they are eager to...
